Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

Hermes, ya just keep crankin this out bra very clean an detailed as well keep up th' awesome job bra.:cool
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

Hey, Nick! Thank you so much, man! It´s great to hear such a compliment from you! :)

However... Five minutes? I wouldn´t know about that, mate! :) Though it wouldn´t be half bad to think it could be done. I think I might need a Time-Turner or a TARDIS to disappear for a couple of months and come back in time for breakfast :)

I´m being silly, both of those artifacts are rather away from me.... yet. Anyway, it´s that time of the day! Updates!

So tonight we worked on the Cod and on the chest armor. You guys will notice that in the newly-released poster, Tony´s armor has some sort of holes in the ribcage. Researching here and there I found the new poster in a decent size so I could add that to the armor.

Amongst the immense amount of information, there´s that - clear as day - holes in the ribcage, and not only that! They look GOOD! So I felt I shouldn´t put them to waste, and therefore I added them to the armor tonight, and made the codpiece and some more detail work.

Since last night I didn´t post any picture with the shins, I asked Gus to wear them to show you guys, and so here it is in all its rubbery glory... :)



Sorry about the really weird quality of the pictures tonight. He was rather sleepy, it IS almost 2 AM here, and we had to suit him up and down so he could rest. I hope he arrives at home safe, he´s still driving, left about 8 minutes ago.

Again, I hope you guys like it :)


i think the holes in the rib cage are actually battle damage by the look of the poster dunno but they do look damn good on your suit
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

Xero, you know, I was looking at the poster, and it felt like it was mechanical in a sort of pre-determined way, which made me guess that the flat plate that exists in front of them (yes, the plate is in the trailer, when Iron Man is landing you can CLEARLY see that it is closed down with a red plate), IS in fact the covering that got, I don´t know... mauled away. What I plan to do, after seeing that, is adding a covering that has a sort of HINGE, that angles out. Similar to the foils seen in ships like the Sea Harrier.

MAN it´s great to remember some of my Aeronautics studies!! It even makes the suit have a little more sense !:)
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

Xero, you know, I was looking at the poster, and it felt like it was mechanical in a sort of pre-determined way, which made me guess that the flat plate that exists in front of them (yes, the plate is in the trailer, when Iron Man is landing you can CLEARLY see that it is closed down with a red plate), IS in fact the covering that got, I don´t know... mauled away. What I plan to do, after seeing that, is adding a covering that has a sort of HINGE, that angles out. Similar to the foils seen in ships like the Sea Harrier.

MAN it´s great to remember some of my Aeronautics studies!! It even makes the suit have a little more sense !:)

sweet idea with the hinge cant wait to see it finished
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

And so.... sorry for taking this long to update, but I had to help my girlfriend move, make a Master Sword and Scabbard, a mask for a friend´s Heavy Metal performance, tidy up the Laboratory and work on a Wonder Woman suit, so as you guys can see, I had my plate full.

Anyway, even then I had time to work on it, and I thought you guys would enjoy seeing the fruit of my labor.

Today before we started to work on it, it looked like this -


After that I made the Shoulders (the upper part, at least, and tonight, after making Wonder Woman´s shield, I´ll make the hinges for the said shoulders, just to chill before sleeping.

I hope you guys like it, and I´ll have a more long-winded post soon enough! :)

Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

incredible.... i have never been a big fan of the foam suits.. but the more and more i see, the better they are getting....
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

It´s just a matter of being one with the foam.....

be the foam....

Or alternately you can do that by not knowing what you CAN´T do :)

That also works wonders :)
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

So cool! Are you "finishing" this? (i.e. bondo, fiber-glass) or are you keeping it foam?
Re: Iron Man - Mark SEVEN WIP.

So cool! Are you "finishing" this? (i.e. bondo, fiber-glass) or are you keeping it foam?

fiberglass/bondo and foam arent the best of friends bro.

just a few more parts and ill be envy fevered on another masterbuild.
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