IG88 BOUNTY HUNTER DROID...build and showoff

- Slow Claps for Very Long time... -

That is just brilliant!!!

Amazing work and such great build pics!
Thanks guys:)...
to quote a certain theme song of a certain show ...'its been a long road,...getting from there to here..!

Ok I'll stop singing now :behave

Being in the UK , Ive been slightly disturbed by the appearance of a large warm yellow disk thing in the sky ! :confused.. seems familiar ... small word beginning with ...er...S ...I think :confused...and the usual greyishness is actually blue behind the clouds ... sometimes ....

Anyhow , with the rise in temperature here I thought you'd enjoy a shot of IG trying a new cooling system ........:rolleyes



BTW I'm not taking requests for singing ... the PM's to stop will be overwhelming .
Really impressive build! I don't think that I would have the patience to build such a large and complex piece.

The E11/sterling type stormtroopery one ..
but the paintjob seems evenly weathered , even over the rubber T track...like it was all one material .
I came to the conclusion this gun is probably a foam or rubber one piece stunt cast pressed into service as IG's, hence blocked areas ,no trigger guard /trigger and paintjob .
Yep, the whole gun was cast in resin as one piece. See Stormtrooper's thread for pics of his screen-used blaster.
Btw, resin-cast greeblies for this version of the E-11 should be available from user TANGO'D FETT in the UK.
Btw 2, the original T-track was not made of rubber, but ABS plastic.
Wow awesome.

Pic with the jawa is hilarious :p It would not end well for that Jawa!
I can only imagine what the original weighed with all that dense metal.....
nice to see some old school scratch building using anything you can find.

a lot of folk would have given up and lost interest but bravo for finishing it off.

i'm also one of those idiots that can be seen going round tescos picking up odd objects thinking, hmm that could help me make this or that.

great work!
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