How do I make a puppet?


Active Member
Hello once again. As a part of a short film I'm hoping to make for school, I'm hoping to include a small child sized puppet as a character. Depending on the scene, I may need a few different puppets for different purposes. So, if I could please ask for assistance in the following areas:

I have never made a puppet. Does anybody know of any good websites that could assist with building and buying the necessary parts to do this? I'm especially hoping to be able to make it blink and move its eyes also.

As always, your help is much appreciated. Cheers - SPS
Muppet type puppet?

Free patterns here:
Free muppet-type puppet patterns: A list

They also have a couple of downloadable patterns you can buy with full instructions for a larger puppet:
Purchase School of Puppetry Patterns

Old school ventriloquism type puppet?
Lot of build info here (very easy to fudge the body parts with readily available materials, ie, broom handle or plastic plumbing pipe for limbs):
The Fred Project

Toot toot! That's my own horn I'm blowing. ;)

I built a little guy for my sister, & made a Blog for it:
Othersides Amazements: First Post! First Puppet!

Got some info in there, also a couple of links you might find useful.

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