Mike, I hope all the switches and greeblies work, I wouldn't want to break one off while playing with them;):p:darnkids
Mike, I hope all the switches and greeblies work, I wouldn't want to break one off while playing with them;):p:darnkids


How's it coming along Mike?

Just about done. :)

I bought a bunch of hardware greeblies for the panels, put one washer on, and then decided that I'd rather do it right. So the panels will be blank except the hero panel which WILL WORK NEIL! :p
AND HERE SHE IS! My pride and joy. :D




A few things some of you will notice right away...

1. It doesn't taper from feet to head. This is on purpose because eventually I plan on making him a coffee table and I want my table to be rectangle. 99% of people wouldn't notice or care but before someone chimes in yes I know it's supposed to and it was a conscious change on my part. ;)

2. It's not as dark as many. In it's current state he's "minty fresh", ie: not weathered. Not sure if I'll keep him like this or not. Also, he's in a well lit room. His home will be a dimly lit basement.

3. Not a lot of contrast between the box and Han. Believe it or not there was actually two different paints at work there but you can barely tell, even in person. To be honest I'm not sure if I'll change that or not (easy enough to do). Most HIC builds I see they really over do the contrast and it makes it look more fake to me as this looks more like a solid block. Any thoughts?
Sorry mate, been away for a long weekend (it's a holiday here - Queen's jubilee and all that)
Looks absolutely awesome. I'm so jealous - wanted one of these for years.

Where are you going to put him?
Looking great Mike...
Nice to see her finally finished. Cant wait to see her in person...

So, whats on the table next? LOL

Great Video!! Funny stuff.

Why does this remind me of Jay and Silent Bob...? :lol