Hellboy, Krauss & Sherman (DONE with PICS!)

Re: Hellboy, Krauss & Sherman (Hellboy sculpt is up!)

Awesome stuff! I really, REALLY love this build!

Just wondering... are you looking into the electric cigarettes for the smoke/steam? Seems like that would be a safe, but effective way to give you some smoke in the helmet.

Keep up the GREAT work!
Re: Hellboy, Krauss & Sherman (Hellboy sculpt is up!)

Awesome stuff! I really, REALLY love this build!

Just wondering... are you looking into the electric cigarettes for the smoke/steam? Seems like that would be a safe, but effective way to give you some smoke in the helmet.

Keep up the GREAT work!

Thanks guys. :)

I'm actually going to use canned smoke for the effect. You can get the same type of smoke used in smoke machines (more or less) in spray can form. Then I'll build a rig to connect it to a hose that will go out through wherever we want to blow smoke from.
Re: Hellboy, Krauss & Sherman (Hellboy sculpt is up!)

Can I ask how you're going about making the actual suit itself? Not the mechanical parts, which are completely gorgeous by the way, but the leather suit worn beneath it.
Re: Hellboy, Krauss & Sherman (Hellboy sculpt is up!)

Can I ask how you're going about making the actual suit itself? Not the mechanical parts, which are completely gorgeous by the way, but the leather suit worn beneath it.

Well, I have some experience sewing (I used to make suits and shirts for myself in the 90's... couldn't find the kind of crazy fabrics I wanted then haha). The machine I have access to can't handle real leather so I'm making it out of pleather. Some dashboard shine on that will make it look real nice. The canvas part is the same material that I used for my Hellboy duster, except that I dyed it slightly darker so that they wouldn't look identical. the pattern was basically just cobbled together by cutting apart and modifying an old worn-out blazer and a pair of jeans, then connecting the two. I studied every photo and film frame I could get my hands on to see exactly where the leather and canvas meet. I'm not spending a ton of time on the actual suit. It'll look good my my needs, but since I don't know if it'll ever be used again I don't want to go nuts on it. The elbow and knee armor pads are being made out of 6mm thick craft foam.
Ok, the suits are done and here are the results! I'm pretty happy with a lot of things despite having to cut a few corners at the last minute. (I'll be fixing a few details, like Krauss' boots, later.) Was very pleased with how well the leather belts took to coloring and rigging up Krauss' finger to blow smoke worked GREAT (you can see the canisters in his belt). Might try to modify it so that I can blow smoke into the dome as well. Locators all had leds with the correct colors. Managed to heighten Hellboy's boots a bit with several layers of foam and an outer layer of black silicone.


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These are awesome!!! I so wish you were in the states because I would love to have a group shot with you guys in our Nuada and Nuala costumes. Maybe one day you'll head over to a convention here or us there lol!
I really really love your work on this! You should be proud
It's hard to be a builder without the praise of people who "get" what it takes! You have my praise! Keep going!
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