Has anyone else got a material that they can no longer get or would be too expensive to replace.


Master Member
For me it’s my super solder and acid flux I’ve have since 1990. It’s lasted me for years but I dread the day it runs out. I have all my normal silver solders and my lead free solders . But this zink super solder has never turned up on any search. Maybe it’s just not made anymore.
Do any of you have thing or materials that you have a limited supply of
I bought a can of mother mag aluminium polish a few months back for more than twice the cost I bought it last time. This is something I use a lot, it has become very expensive!
crazy times we live in
Krylon Shadow Gray spray paint for the body of Star Trek Phaser IIs.


I purchased a case of 10 cans, about 15 years ago, and have 6 cans left; amazingly, they are still going.
I've still got about 1/4 bottle of Johnson's Kleer I bought in the 90's - fantastic clear coat, none of the replacements match it. The original bottle succumbed to UV deterioration some years ago...
The product I miss the most was the original Fairy Power Spray - was THE BEST safe on everything, unsmelly paint removal gunk ever. The formulation changed 10 years ago and how it's just detergent....
Model Master Paints- both spray and bottle. I love these paints and dread when they are gone. Personally I do not care much for the modern Acrylic blends, I started building models in the sixties and know how to push enamels and get the results I want.
I have a 1:350 K'Tinga I want to paint MM Metallic Steel (I like the look instead of the typical green), not sure if I have enough left to do this or not.
I have some 3/4" thick 5 foot walnut boards from 15-20 years ago... hardwood is so pricey now I don't want to use it till I can improve my carpentry skills and I have no idea how long it will be till I can do that!
Model Master Paints- both spray and bottle. I love these paints and dread when they are gone. Personally I do not care much for the modern Acrylic blends, I started building models in the sixties and know how to push enamels and get the results I want.
I have a 1:350 K'Tinga I want to paint MM Metallic Steel (I like the look instead of the typical green), not sure if I have enough left to do this or not.
I was gonna mention those in this thread! I have 1/4 of a can of their metallizer Aluminum plate, and have had the can since at least 2014. I have barely used it, and now as said down to 1/4 or so. I love the stuff. Will definitely be sad when I finally use it up.
Never say never... ha!
Just think on that...

I'm pretty certain that, if I can find it, Coombs 'All Game' epoxy putty will be much more expensive than the $20 bucks I paid for the original 2-qt kit...
But it is the *BEST* epoxy putty ever... far beyond ol' Milliput.
Cheers! Robert
I have some 3/4" thick 5 foot walnut boards from 15-20 years ago... hardwood is so pricey now I don't want to use it till I can improve my carpentry skills and I have no idea how long it will be till I can do that!

A friend of mine goes around and looks for furniture that people are throwing out. He's found several oak and walnut desks. He has a bandsaw, planer, and jointer so he's able to cut them apart and use the wood. I don't have either of those yet, or I'd do the same! They usually aren't refinishable, so he's not ruining anything.
Latex accelerator. It is something that I bought from a store that may not exist anymore. It actually speeds up the curing of latex rubber. The ingredients are not listed, so the contents are a guess. It came as a powder to be mixed with water.
I don't know if this would help as it depends how your are using your latex. but if your stippling or using latex for texture a spritzer with vinegar in it sets latex instantly. We had to make a large water proof grass scene model for a movie (latex and wood chippings in shade of green)
I'd throw a hand full on the deck then spritz it and bang its cured.
there is a thickening agent ? do you mean that.
That's not what I have, but thank you for an additional technique.

This stuff starts out as some kind of salt and dissolves in water. It is clear and has no smell. I was using it to accelerate molds. It cut the curing time to roughly half.

I can't remember if I got it from Kit Kraft or Burman's

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