GHOSTBUSTERS Pre-Release - film discussion only, no social commentary please!



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this movie has reduced us to question questionable grammar ;o).....

on the b right side, the more out bursts by the cast, the more the tide seems to turn to hate for this movie ;o)

- someone online made an observation, but I can't recall that far back. are these posters imitating bay turtles teaser posters? or is my memory faulty?
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lolololol...the desperation just reeks off this thing. how classy is this lady? oh well, at least she's not stepping in front of every movie camera rolling in hollywood like mcarthy is.

I guess producers and fans trashing fans is the new trend.

She's like that in real life, she went off on one of her SNL costars using that language and apparently it's just how she talks. She comes off as a barely literate thug. Sadly she'll get a free ride no matter what and the press will ignore her attitude.
I got in my first twitter fight with this movie ;o)...

Somehow the conversation turned around to asking about my feelings on how people would snap judge me just by looking at me, without giving me a chance to prove myself to them. No matter how calm and logical a response I gave the person, the responses just got more ridiculous and swear filled. It's kind of hilariously sad how people are building themselves up to either thinking this movie will be good or is just plain needed to keep ghostbusters alive. I can understand liking it if you didn't know any of the details in how this thing got off the ground, and where just a casual movie goe-er....but the more intelligent ghostbusters fan that does their research, I can't see why anyone would support this abomination.

the other comments I got into claimed that feig 'respects the classics' and brought up peanuts as an example. I guess my pointing out that the schutlz family kept feig on a tight leash wouldn't have helped that argument any and just agreed with them to end it quick ;o).

The only question about ghostbusters is how vulgar it's going to be, and how much of the first movie it's going to rip off in plot. If I have any karma left, a trailer will come out that will cause even the most ardent supporters to doubt themselves ;o).
There's a fair degree of political issues involved with this film. I have a very good friend who is a very committed to feminism and advancing the cause of gender equality. She and I have spoken at length about the barriers women in Hollywood face -- and they are many, make no mistake. On the whole, we see eye to eye on these issues and the need for more roles played by women of all age ranges, rather than the assumption that only a man can play the role. Likewise, the need for more women in production and behind-the-camera roles.

All that said, I think I managed to get her to understand my general disregard for this new Ghostbusters. Initially, she was jazzed about it because women were stepping into four previously male-held roles, which she thought was good. However, when I explained to her the backstory for how this movie was greenlit, how it was basically just Paul Feig gender flipping the roles, rather than creating a role for women, and how -- on top of all that -- he'd tossed out the continuity to make room for new continuity and then basically recreated the old one, she began to see my point. She's still happy that women are being given a chance to perform in a major franchise film, in roles that usually would've defaulted to men, but she's less enthused when she hears that Chris Hemsworth is basically being reduced to "beefcake." Likewise, she's less enthused to learn that the film basically came about solely because the studio wanted the current "golden boy" of Hollywood to be attached to the project, gave him carte blanche, and he basically decided to just do his usual stuff.

Most people online who are super invested in the womenness of this film are, I think, not like my friend, just as I am not like most of the people online who are against what is seen as likely the lazy tokenism behind this film. But hey, that's the intarwebz.
I think it looks fun! It'll be interesting to see a completely different take on the concept. As a lifelong, hardcore GB fan, I'll be there opening night.

i'm amazed they didn't do barbie dolls but went the action figure route. if you believe the toy industry, female action figures don't sell. despite karai being a majorly requested tmnt figure, all we got was a karai snake figure.
I'll probably grab these just to throw in a tote and keep for 30 years, maybe they'll be worth something ;)

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new movies logo?

I absolutely refuse to call this ghostbusters. it's feigbusters. nothing more, nothing less. it's from his mindset, not from the mindset of the universe.
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