Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda props - What's out there?


Sr Member
Been trying to get a Andromeda weapons collection going for a while. I have an extremely nice Forcelance reproduction, but can not find any original or replica versions of the hand weapons. So I started doing some digging and found the base guns for at least two of the prop weapons used on the show.
It seems they used mostly found toy guns to make the various laser pistols used on the show and just added pieces here and there to make them look more futuristic.
The two I found are toy guns that were common in the 90's. One is a "fazer" (the green colored toy) and the other is a "power gear" toy gun. Both were made in China by the company SRM.
Once I get some metal parts for them and paint them up, I will have a nice start to a Andromeda weapons collection.

Anyone else got any Andromeda props, either original or replicas? I would be interested to see what else might be around.
Thanks in advance for sharing.



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Yes I would.
Like a lot of series, some of the 1st season episodes are kind of rough, and it can be a bit hokey at times, but it is worth watching. If for nothing else, for the very attractive female cast members. ;)
Here are a couple of pictures of actual prop weapons that were used on the show. All background guns.
These pictures are from the Andromeda auctions that were several years ago.



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Hey, Starbuc... great to see some love for Andromeda! Like you said, it was hokey at points, but it's still one of my fave shows.

There's some stuff here: andromeda movie props, costumes and wardrobe

Lots of costumes, but some props too. And you're absolutely right about many things being repaints and kit-bashes of toys and stuff. There's an "Extinguisher Gun" on that page, for example, that looks a lot like a Super Soaker (or similar) watergun. The big tank on the back sure makes it seem that way, at least. I'll see if I can find any more info on it.

If I may ask, where did you get your Force Lance prop? I've been looking for a good one for years, but most of the resin kits I find are really inaccurate. Thanks!
If I may ask, where did you get your Force Lance prop? I've been looking for a good one for years, but most of the resin kits I find are really inaccurate. Thanks!

To be honest, I don't know where my Force Lance came from. I got it from a friend. He told me it was made by a guy who used to make them and sell them several years ago. But as far as he knows, the guy does not make them anymore. That's all the info I have on it. Sorry.
But here is a picture of the one I own.



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Wow, that really is a nice one, Starbuc! Very clean. There seems to be so much variation in quality and shape in the reproductions I've seen out there. Even on the show they seemed to vary quite a bit. Years ago, I did a diagram based on an amalgam of several screenshots-- sort of my own idealized version. I was going to get it machined out of metal, but the project just never came to be. I'd still like to get one done. Here's an example of what I had come up way back then:

Based on these screencaps, and images of some fan-made versions out there:


I came up with this:

Whoa... really sorry if I derailed this into a ForceLance discussion! I'll get back the other Andromeda props now... :)
Here are a couple of pictures of actual prop weapons that were used on the show. All background guns.
These pictures are from the Andromeda auctions that were several years ago.


Interesting props. I like the first one the best. I'll have to check this series out. i really like 90's and early 2000's sci fi shows.
I just started watching Andromeda about a week ago. It's been on my to-watch series list for many many years and am only now getting to it. Very sad, but there are only so many hours in the day. Doing a marathon from Episode 1 to finale, averaging about 2 episodes a night, I should be done in around 2 months. :p

But anywho, the force lance was the first thing I honed in on. Must...have...replica...

Cristar Attevan, have you considered resin or even 3D printing? I would think CNC'ing it would be cost prohibitive if you ever decided to sell them. For a one off for yourself, then go for it, but I'm willing to bet an Andromeda prop would sell well, even if it isn't just on RPF. Since you already have what looks to be a very nice CAD file created, shouldn't it be relatively easy to get a 3D prototype made?
I used to catch the show now and then and i was always trying to figure out why it didn't look like the short lived Andromeda comic book that had been out lol. At least the toy guns make for easy props with just parts and paint and nothing horrifically complex.
Want to point-out that the paint job on Starbuc's force lance is 100% screen accurate. The silver gray color that appears on-screen is due to lighting and film stock.
I've been watching some Andromeda eps again, and I'm not seeing anything that jumps out at me as something I can identify easily. I did watch one of the behind-the-scenes segments with one of the prop designers, and he was showing several of the guns and saying that they were mostly custom-made. (Like Tyr's BFG, for example.) I'll keep looking as I go through the episodes and see if I can spot anything else.

Does anyone have the High Guard Handbook? ( Andromeda: The High Guard Handbook: Gareth Wigmore: 9781843570332: Books ) Does that have any info or pics that might help us out?

RobI, I hadn't even though about resin or 3D printing. I actually came up with that diagram quite some time ago, when 3D printing wasn't really even a reality. I always wanted to have a Forcelance out of metal, tho... and I always thought of it as a one-off, so cost for multiples hadn't really even occurred to me. I had discussed it with a machinist who does prop stuff a while back, and he had estimated a fairly reasonable price for me (for it to be done out of aluminum). But like I said, I just never went through with it, and the diagram has gone unused all this time. And unfortunately, it's not a CAD; it's just a Photoshop image.

GMB1of12000, I'd love to find some High Guard insignia too! I just haven't seen any around in a very long time. If you find any sources, let me know, too.
Here are a couple of pictures of actual prop weapons that were used on the show. All background guns.
These pictures are from the Andromeda auctions that were several years ago.


I think I actually sold at least two of the prop guns in those pictures, (I actually sold them on eBay last year I think? So at least a couple weren't from the original auctions several years ago because I sold them on eBay) and I also sold one of the prop guns from the first two pictures you show in the original post in this forum, that were toys converted and modified for the show, i think its the one on the right, but it was blue and silver and was used on the show.. I have several other prop weapons from the show... I have a pretty large Andromeda prop and costume collection.. More costumes then props but I have a good sized collection... I sold three of the prop guns shown in this post so far, maybe four but can't remember which ones I did sell..... There were a lot of guns and other weapons made for the show, and yes some were toys bought retail and then they cast molds and modified them or bpught several and painted them and dressed them up a bit, and then made replicas of some of the finished prototypes, then there's quite a few that were scratch built and designed for the series... If you go to yourprops you can find a couple dozen different prop guns and force lances in their different configurations from the series, there are also a couple good force lance replicas out there you can buy and I might be able to point you in the right direction if your interested in replicas of force lances... I have a couple prototype pieces and some parts of force lances and stuff like that in my collection that were used on the show and I love everything I have...

As for if the series is worth watching, well Andromeda had been hailed as Roddenberrys best work even better then the Star Trek series in all the spin offs and it had a huge fan base, we are still huge fans and pick up anything we get the chance to, as well as sell and trade some of my stuff for other stuff and I watch the series on DVD every few months still.. But as with all things it depends on what you like and don't like in a show, so you'll have to watch it and see how you like it? But don't do yourself or the show a disservice and watch only one or two episodes and decide you don't like it, try an episode or two from each season and then make a judgement or watch a few scenes on YouTube or whatever and give the show a chance and you'll probably like it.... Check out yourprops for Andromeda weapons and stuff and you'll see quite a few different weapons, my favorite weapons were the force lances and then Tyr's weapons, I have one of his working electronic hero rifle blasters and one of his static stunt pistols along with his full leather accessory set with bandoleers andistol belt with holster, knife sheath and knives, one rubber and two metal hero versions and several of his throwing stars along with other items of his, and I have one of Beka's pistols and belt and holster sets too

Thought I would bump this thread and also throw a couple of new pictures up.
I found another of the base toy guns used to make the background laser pistols on the show.
It started out life as this:
BLYgun1.jpg, BLYgun2.jpg
And with a few tweaks, some paint and metal barrels, it turned into this:Dromsilvergun3.png
You can see this prop used in the 5th season episode, "The Eschatology of Our Present"

So any other Andromeda props out there that anyone would want to share pictures of?

Lucked out and found one more of the base toy guns that were used on the show in the 5th season.
dromgun5.jpg dromgun5a.jpg
Unfortunately there is no maker info on the gun, just "made in china" and "No. 186" stamped on the right side.
This style laser was used in 5th season episodes "Attempting Screed" and "Past is Prolix."

Now if I could just find the other two base toy guns, I would have a complete set of the background laser weapons used on the show.
The search continues.......

My company produced original "hero" weapons for the principal cast (except for the "force-lance"). These were used throughout the entire production run.

Here's a link to a blog entry on my website that details how they were produced:

Directed Energy Weapons - ANDROMEDA

In anticipation of your question, I cannot provide you with any meaningful reference information on the "donor" replica weapons that were used. This is because they were purchased by the prop department prior to our involvement, and were simply dropped off to us. In any case, there is still some good information in there for anyone wishing to create authentic replicas of these weapons. --- Richard
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Parts of Tyr's pistol and rifle were made from a Japanese garage kit: Poseidon's replica 9-Weapon inspired by Ghost in the Shell.

Thanks for the photos, Propology, you guys did a great job!
Propology, thank you very much for the detailed pictures and info. Indeed, you guys did a very nice job.
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