films you had to watch twice


A friend and I used to watch movies almost nightly in college, and his father suggested that movie. We tried......and just didn't like it. Bored to tears...blah blah blah.

But soooooo many people love that movie that I tried again, in my thirties.

It is now one of my favorite films. Sometimes getting older brings you gifts.
The Usual Suspects. I watched that, not hearing anything about a big twist. And up until that point, it was just an OK movie. Then I went back and loved how everything fit in.
I have tried to watch "A Bug's Life" 3 separate times, and I have fallen asleep in the first few minutes every time. I'm not saying it's a bad movie. I have no idea because I have never seen it. There is something about it that puts me out like a light. I think my ex-girlfriend left with the VHS copy. Yeah, enjoy that. lol
I had to watch "The Phantom Menace" twice because I fell asleep the first time I saw it at the Chinese in Hollywood. (this is NOT a joke)
Did not get to like it though.

The Usual Suspects. I watched that, not hearing anything about a big twist. And up until that point, it was just an OK movie. Then I went back and loved how everything fit in.
Have to agree with that, and The Blues Brothers is one movie I have seen more than once, I stopped counting at 25 viewings, 10 times on the original release(y)love:rolleyes:eek:lol
And sorry but this afternoon, I sat down and watched School Of Rock with Jack Black for about the 20th time..
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Wall-E, Toy Story 1-3, Ratatouille, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Matrix 1-2, Howard the Duck, Star Wars 4-6, Avatar, District 9, Jurassic Park, Jaws, Nightmare Before Christmas, All of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Batman 1-2, Batman (Nolans), Bronson, Sword in the Stone, Tremors, Black Dynamite, Enemy Mine, The Last Starfighter, Masters of the Universe, Alien 1-4, Predator 1-2, Predators, The Thing, American Werewolf in London, Bad Moon, Terminator 1-2, Donnie Darko, Akira, Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell, Iron Man, Night of the Living Dead (both versions), Deathproof, Super Troopers, Up, Let the Right One In, REC, Let Me In, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Fistful of Dollars, The Good The Bad And The Ugly.
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First time it was amazing. But the second time and on you seem to catch things you missed now that you know what is going on. Gestures, looks, things some characters do, etc make so much more sense knowing how it ends
Austin Powers. I think I went in with very specific expectations of what it was going to be and it was totally different. I watch it now and enjoy it, but no where near as much as Goldmember. That one saved my sanity.
Napoleon Dynamite, Best In Show and Anchor Man for me.

The first time I saw each I just thought they were horribly unfunny. After catcching them a few months later on cable I stared to get the where the humor was coming from. Now each time I watch one of them it was funnier than the last time, especially Best in Show and Naploeon Dynamite. Best in Show at first was like a bad documentary, but now I appreaciate the characterizations so much more
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