Fanmade Vader Lineage Chart

Cutting a row - the "privately owned confirmed production/promotion/tour originals" and merging it with "master casts & licensed helmets". It just messed up the flow of the chart and was a real PITA. So I made things simple again. Heh... simple.

Some helmets are not "named" yet, so are left blank.

If anyone can find any objections, corrections or suggestions, please let me know.

Also had a little fun with coloring the various sections, so it is easier to distinguish the various "families" of helmets. Just hope the chart isn't too confusing.

Why should it? The "masters" are on the same level. The GH RotJ run helmet is in the box just below. Just don't have a picture of one of those. The master is also known as a GH RotJ. Sure, some could argue that they should both be called Jeff RotJ, sure... but the master GH RotJ has been known as such for all this time... so why begin changing it now?
Why should it? The "masters" are on the same level. The GH RotJ run helmet is in the box just below. Just don't have a picture of one of those. The master is also known as a GH RotJ. Sure, some could argue that they should both be called Jeff RotJ, sure... but the master GH RotJ has been known as such for all this time... so why begin changing it now?
It is right, no?
What is right? Are you saying that the Jeff RotJ spawned the GH RotJ Master helmet? Then that is wrong. The one GH got and the one GINO got are brothers. GH just chose to call his GH RotJ, when he started selling copies. At least that's how I understood it.

Helmets from the same mold/source can easily be called two different things.
Thanks for this Carsten,
I knew little about the lineage of Vaders until this chart came up. I have learnt much......:thumbsup
Well, glad I could offer just a little back to this great community. It's still a work in progress and I cannot guarantee that it is at all accurate, but it sorta amounts to what info I've been able to scrape together over the years and trying to sift through conflicting stories and claims that hold no water.

There are still helmets missing... either because I don't have their pictures or because I frankly don't know where to place them in the chart.
Thanks man. Yeah... it's taken a while.

Another update:

Btw: how do people feel about the "color" version I showed off up last time... was it easier to follow when it was divided into colors like that or do people prefer the blank version?
I liked the colors personally, but only because it hurt my eyes less when looking at it on screen.

Thank you for putting this together. It's looking awesome.
Yeah. Was also the reason why I wanted to try it out with colors as I get sore eyes when working on it. The finished version will be muted - maybe not the colors above, though, I kinda like them.
I'm not sure whether I should do something with the second line to differentiate production and promotion/tour pieces or it will just be done with colors when it is more complete.

Any thoughts or is it okay to just have them on the same line?

I will also have to change the eFX box, as they announced 2 versions.
Having thought about it I really think I should merge the production/tour section with the fan casts and licensed section again. This is a chart of relationship, not really which is best.

Anyway... latest update.
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