Fallout 4

My nephew got NV for his birthday and I've been trying hard not to tell him where to go. The only thing I said, which I probably shouldn't, was not to go in Deadwind Cavern unprepared. I went in there my first time playing and there was a herd of Deathclaws right at the entrance which killed me so fast it was funny.
Well, for those who didn't manage to get in on the Pipboy edition, you can now 3d print your own. Modeled by dragonator, many know his work as he did the previous pipboy as well. The model is set up so the tape player is functional (although it won't actually play the tapes), and he's obviously gearing these to be used with your smartphones.

Anyhow, he's sharing it on his website: http://ytec3d.com/pip-boy-3000-mark-iv/
My nephew got NV for his birthday and I've been trying hard not to tell him where to go. The only thing I said, which I probably shouldn't, was not to go in Deadwind Cavern unprepared. I went in there my first time playing and there was a herd of Deathclaws right at the entrance which killed me so fast it was funny.

I tend to do a side to side pattern when I start the game and go up when i've completed a straight line across the map. This lets me level up and find stuff. I still miss some of the random encounters you see in the older games but the series is so big now you can't go sneaking in Dr Who or Star Trek without trouble. I wish VATS would bring back the groin shot from the older games too just for fun.
The only thing I said, which I probably shouldn't, was not to go in Deadwind Cavern unprepared. I went in there my first time playing and there was a herd of Deathclaws right at the entrance which killed me so fast it was funny.

I went into the quarry under prepared, not realizing how much tougher the Deathclaws are to kill than in FO3. I managed to make it to a crane the Deathclaws couldn't climb onto. The only thing that saved me,after I had expended all of my other ammo, was that I had the Recharger Rifle. But it took a LONG time to wear the Deathclaws health down enough to kill them with it. After that, even with better weapons, I tried to avoid Deathclaws.

The absolute hardest place with Deathclaws is across the river where you find the Enclave armor. I've gotten killed there equipped with T51B armor, GRA high yield mini nukes, and the alien blaster. You have to kill some then haul *** to the river unless your sneak is really high!
I went into the quarry under prepared, not realizing how much tougher the Deathclaws are to kill than in FO3. I managed to make it to a crane the Deathclaws couldn't climb onto. The only thing that saved me,after I had expended all of my other ammo, was that I had the Recharger Rifle. But it took a LONG time to wear the Deathclaws health down enough to kill them with it. After that, even with better weapons, I tried to avoid Deathclaws.


Yeah, I think I ran across it early too. Also, I hadn't seen it yet, but I think that's the first game that enemies actually follow you through doors that go from zone to zone. I went in, took some pot shots at a Deathclaw and ran outside to heal up before going back in.

Then the bunch of Deathclaws came outside.

I think I left a mark on the chair.
While news and updates being almost scarce since the 'pornhub' incident, Bethesda did release an interesting bit of info regarding leveling and perks. One key element that's been changed in the game is the leveling system. Or to be more specific, the level cap. There are none. So don't expect Fallout 4 DLC to increase your level by 5 for every pack you get.

This no doubt presents an interesting obstacle since any Fallout player can tell you if there was no level cap in place, you could get every feat and all your skill sets up to max if you wanted to. Even though little to nothing was revealed at PAX, Bethesda did give players an idea on what is needed to essentially max your character out.

“You’ll still level up via XP, and each level increase will still give you a point to spend on a perk, but now those perks have varying XP levels of their own. It’s perk-ception, essentially, and means that, should you theoretically play long enough to max out every tier of every single one gaining untold buffs and no doubt all kinds of horrendous real-world illnesses in the process – you’ll top off with a total of 275.”

To put that in perspective with the whole franchise, here's the level cap of the previous Fallout games with all DLC included.

Fallout: 21
Fallout 2: 99
Fallout 3: 30
Fallout: New Vegas: 50

That's 75 more levels than all these Fallout games combined.
Apparently this game has more recorded lines than Skyrim and Fallout 3 combined. I still have to finish mastering fallout 3 on ps3 at some point. I got every achievement in NV for the xbox but now it's on for the ps3 to do too lol
I'm crazed about the crafting and home base building especially.

As cool as that sounds, especially if it's better than Skyrim's house building, I would probably have taken over an existing bunker if I had the resources. It would be more upkeep, but it would be more defensible.
As cool as that sounds, especially if it's better than Skyrim's house building, I would probably have taken over an existing bunker if I had the resources. It would be more upkeep, but it would be more defensible.

If Skyrim mods have taught us anything, someone is probably already working on that. The amount of housing options, lore friendly or not is simply ridiculous. I would expect no difference here. Cripes, even New Vegas housing mods are ridiculous.

If you check out 4:57 in this video, you'll see that this home isn't only a bunker, it's an underwater bunker... in the Mohave Wasteland.

WARNING! Slightly not safe for work.
[video]https://youtu.be/IN5KR_PJZqk?list=PLDbVYp0roWPtJLGZlwdDsjmiDZS8a3MK R[/video]
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I love that Cyborg mod he shows off in the video. I wonder how picky microsoft and bethesda is going to be about the mods they allow on the xbox 1. I went to get those mods since I got the Fallout Pc collection coming but i'm not paying for membership to a site i may only use this one time.
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Official Update from Bethesda!

Fallout 4 – Launch and Beyond

After many long years, Fallout 4 is entering its final months of development. We've put so much into it for so long; we can’t believe it’s almost done. The game will soon be out of our hands and into yours. There’s so much there that we haven’t talked about or spoiled, because we want you to discover it, to make it your own.

It's during this stage of development that we start thinking about how we'll support Fallout 4 after launch. We wanted to give you a taste of what we plan on doing:

Regular Updates

We'll be doing regular free updates to the game, and like Skyrim, these will come with not just fixes, but new features. For Skyrim we added things like mounted combat, legendary mode, kill cams, visual enhancements and more. We’ll work with all of you to figure out what new things you’d love to see added to Fallout 4, whether they are small tweaks or new features.

Mods & Creation Kit

The most important thing in our games is the freedom you have to create your own experience, and modding is a big part of that. Like all our previous games, we’ve made sure to keep Fallout 4 open and moddable at every step in development. Early next year we’ll release for free the new Creation Kit for the PC. This is the same tool we use in the studio. You'll be able to create your own mods and share them with others. We’re especially excited these same mods will then be coming to Xbox One, and then PlayStation 4.

Downloadable Content

We've always done a lot of DLC for our games. We love making them and you always ask us for more. To reward our most loyal fans, this time we’ll be offering a Season Pass that will get you all of the Fallout 4 DLC we ever do for just $30. Since we’re still hard at work on the game, we don’t know what the actual DLC will be yet, but it will start coming early next year. Based on what we did for Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim, we know that it will be worth at least $40, and if we do more, you'll get it all with the Season Pass.

Thanks again to all of you! The support and excitement you’ve given Fallout 4 has blown us away. It’s energized us even more to do everything we can in these final months to make this our best game yet. We absolutely can't wait for you to play it, and share your adventures with us and each other.

Everything looks good, but the DLC? Hey, if it's good, it's good. If it's same-day DLC, that's bad. But the way they say it,

"we don’t know what the actual DLC will be yet"
Followed by,
"we know that it will be worth at least $40"

I just think it's funny how they openly admit they don't know what it is they're selling, but they totally want you to spend $40 on it blind. At least with the trailers for Fallout 4 I can tell what I was getting. And if not... ALIENS: Colonial Marines? Wouldn't want that again.
I just think it's funny how they openly admit they don't know what it is they're selling, but they totally want you to spend $40 on it blind. At least with the trailers for Fallout 4 I can tell what I was getting. And if not... ALIENS: Colonial Marines? Wouldn't want that again.

No, they want you to spend $30 but promise that it will be worth at least $40, making it a $10 minimum savings vs. buying all of the DLC individually. But you are right on one thing though, it is a bit of a gamble since you have no idea of what the DLC will be but you're paying up front for all of the DLC for one season. I think that it all comes down to Bethesda's track record with DLC and whether you're a big DLC fan or not. Personally, I'd rather just buy the DLC ala carte since there's certain be enough that I wouldn't want to bother with to justify paying $30 just to get the ones I do want.
No, they want you to spend $30 but promise that it will be worth at least $40, making it a $10 minimum savings vs. buying all of the DLC individually. But you are right on one thing though, it is a bit of a gamble since you have no idea of what the DLC will be but you're paying up front for all of the DLC for one season. I think that it all comes down to Bethesda's track record with DLC and whether you're a big DLC fan or not. Personally, I'd rather just buy the DLC ala carte since there's certain be enough that I wouldn't want to bother with to justify paying $30 just to get the ones I do want.

Dangit! I meant to say 30 but 40 got stuck in my head. I did read this article! I swear! Just the idea that they think it's worth $40, doing us a favor by making it $30 while still saying they don't know what it will be yet is just all kinds of messed up.
Yeah, but the DLC for New Vegas and F3 were pretty awesome. I think I'll go ahead and get it, but if you don't like it, wait for each one to come out separately.
Funny Bungie thinks their DLC is worth 40.00 too and so far they haven't proved it. Bethesda has a better track record than this modern Bungie though.
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