Death Star door control panel

I'm having trouble following what you guys are talking about. Kurty, are you referring to an actual found part that you've indentified and matches?

I think the confusion is that Drewid was only saying that the distributor cap posted by NintendoLiam doesn't looks like it matches the larger part. Close, but not quite there.

I think the confusion is that Drewid was only saying that the distributor cap posted by NintendoLiam doesn't looks like it matches the larger part. Close, but not quite there.


I think that's the heart of the confusion. It looks really close. But I think the biggest difference is size. The M119 distributor cap is probably about 6" across max. The larger part on the original prop has been identified as being about 12" across. Also, this part dates to 1989 and later. It wouldn't have existed during the original filming.
Great pic blip, thank you!
I need to find me some of these. My Garrison has a rather large Death Star set we use for shoot a trooper and Ive been asked to give it some additional liveliness.
Was just watching 'They Came From Beyond Space' (an old British sci-fi B-Movie) and noticed this mini furnace has the lenses you are looing for.

The furnace was made by 'Wild Barfield', a company that used several variations and sizes of these indicators, with the lenses made by Lucas.

Space 1999 has a few of the diffesent sized lenses too.

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It sure does look the same. Especially the red one in space 1999.

I've chased down Lucas indicators before without any luck though, other than car specific parts, which I don't think this is.
just thinking outside the box a minute on the Tie part. Besides car parts , could it be something like a floor polisher or Electrolux type cleaner . Just not sold it's anything to do with a distributor cap or something like that.

This is just a general images of an older scrubber , just more for the shape.

Good potential, asemblyrequired. The original does seem more perfectly symmetrical than any engine cover, magneto cover, or other similar distributor arrangement. All those holes that look like bolt points had me thinking auto parts, but who knows? It could be a plastic carousel to hold art supplies and markers.
I think you're on to something with the cap. This one is close and seems to support the theory. However I can't find any after looking at Google images for hours that have the five on the outside of the circle.

Hi All,

Back in the 60s and 70s my father used to work for United Airlines and then GTE. I showed him the pic and he seems to think it might be the bottom/mount of a European or Japanese telephone circuit board??? Maybe... Maybe not... just another direction to look in.
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It sure does look the same. Especially the red one in space 1999.

I've chased down Lucas indicators before without any luck though, other than car specific parts, which I don't think this is.

Agreed. After talking with a guy that used a medium sized Wild Barfield furnace in the early 80s and thought it was Lucas lenses, I asked again and we concluded it's probably not a Lucas product as the only reason they would have to make 'blue' lenses (plus shiny surround) would be for emergency services vehicles such as ambulances - and I can't find any relevant sized examples at all. Another reason is that the lenses on these ovens would probably require some kind of heat resistance standard which puts them in a different class to automotive glass (I think), such as Pyrex glass. If I find an example I'll post'em up.
Hi All,

As many of you know I am recreating the Millennium Falcon's center console and instrument panel. These same dome panel lights are also visible on the console and in the Falcon. I think we need to pull together and figure out just what these are!!! I have done an extensive search and can find NOTHING that remotely resembles these lights - especially in various colors.

I'd like to think they're industrial or maybe from an English automobile / truck... I DUNNO???? What throws me are the different colors...

I found these gaming buttons - they're about as close as I've ever seen. The only problem with these is there is a luminescent washer at the panel of the light and... it's a button. But they're really close, come in two sizes and various colors.
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You know, they always looked like buttons to me and I don't suppose that would be out of the question. Nobody leaned on them or anything - so I'm not sure it would matter wither way.
Hi Gang,

I've done an extensive search for these lights and NOBODY has any idea what they are. I've chatted with aircraft specialists, Mini to Morris Minor to Fiat specialists to prop designers to train specialists to tail light gurus all the way to panel indicator specialists and they are all baffled at what these are... But ALL the lenses from what I can see do have a circular pattern going around the diameter - much like an indicator lens for a car or truck.

There is the slight chance that they are two separate pieces???? A random convex lens and a random automobile chrome bezel tossed together... I've considered going that route to try to achieve the same look... now its a matter of finding the lens. There is a generic round 2 inch chome bezel available that is supposed to fit all turn indicators for most early model cars and most trucks. See link:

Chrome Bezel - Twist On - 2-1/2in - 4 State Trucks

BUT... I did stumble upon a round convex piece of glass used for mosaics - I found that when I found the square tiles online. But I cant remember where! LOL

Anywho, lots to think about...
I just contacted Lucas Electrical in the UK. Let's hope they know if these are in fact Lucas lenses or can point us in the right direction! If they are? How ironic... Lucas? Really?

Keep fingers crossed!!
Nothing from Lucas... I'm going to assume they dont make the lenses anymore...

I think we might have to find an alternative?
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