Deadpool Movie

Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

Isn't there a difference between Punisher violence and Deadpool violence, though? I mean, Deadpool is the kind of guy who would shoot an unarmed civilian who had no involvement with the situation to use as a distraction in order to get away. Hell, Deadpool actually did that in order to get away from Daredevil.

Deadpool is....just straight up insane whereas Punisher is more "real" in the sense of being like say a Rambo film.

With Deadpool you'll have anything from him shooting innocents to him getting his head lopped off or a huge hole blown in his neck and bleeding out all over then coming back to life and making a smart assed remark.

Basically he's an insane version of Wolverine,just way more fun.


Oh yea Deadpool has a thing for jokes,a LOT of them are about as raunchy as you can dare get in a comic lot of twisted sex jokes to be had with him.

I've noticed the last few years DP's comics being listed as "mature only" actually.
Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

Deadpool is....just straight up insane whereas Punisher is more "real" in the sense of being like say a Rambo film.

With Deadpool you'll have anything from him shooting innocents to him getting his head lopped off or a huge hole blown in his neck and bleeding out all over then coming back to life and making a smart assed remark.

Basically he's an insane version of Wolverine,just way more fun.


Oh yea Deadpool has a thing for jokes,a LOT of them are about as raunchy as you can dare get in a comic lot of twisted sex jokes to be had with him.

I've noticed the last few years DP's comics being listed as "mature only" actually.


Batman vs Deadpool

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Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

I know some people will hate this but.......

I love Deadpool the guy is one of the few American comic characters I actually like and will go and buy his comics to read,that said I kind of think if they want a Marvel character to unite the various franchises that are scattered all over it'd be Deadpool who could just randomly show up in say X-Men,then Spiderman,then Avengers or even Dr.Strange and that would be perfectly normal

Because when you think about it he's done it already in the comics,in fact he's even hopped around the various different Marvel realities and caused all kinds of havoc so no reason he couldn't show up in all the Marvel film ones.

lol yea he KILLED EVERYONE in Marvel in one series. It was literally titled Deadpool Kills Marvel.
Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

lol yea he KILLED EVERYONE in Marvel in one series. It was literally titled Deadpool Kills Marvel.

I bet you two bucks his girlfriend, Mistress Death, loved seeing all those souls come to her courtesy of the man she loves, whom she can never be with.

Seriously, how many Marvel characters can say that they have Death as a girlfriend?
Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

Does everyone seem to think she's his girlfriend? I thought Kronos was in love with her too?
Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

Does everyone seem to think she's his girlfriend? I thought Kronos was in love with her too?

Kronos is in love with her, yes. But her heart belongs to Deadpool. And the reason why Deadpool doesn't die. from what I've read, is because Kronos cursed him with life, thinking it'd be enough to sway Death into losing interest in Deadpool. Unfortunately, not the case (in fact, from what I've heard, part of the reason why he's nuts is because of being cursed with life). And the only times they get a chance to see each other is in the short moments between when he dies and when he comes back to life, as seen here in some of these clips from the game:

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Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

His healing factor which is supposedly better than even Wolverine's is what keeps him alive, and what also partly drives him crazier. Often it's alluded to that Lady Death is all in Pool's mind.... much like the two other voices that often have conversations with him.
Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

His healing factor which is supposedly better than even Wolverine's is what keeps him alive, and what also partly drives him crazier. Often it's alluded to that Lady Death is all in Pool's mind.... much like the two other voices that often have conversations with him.

Except, that Thanos and Mistress Death has had many scenes together (in fact, from what I've also read, Deadpool's inability to die was not tied into his healing factor. That means that if he got decapitated, he would be completely and utterly dead, but Thanos' cursing him with immortality gave him the ability to get his head detached without it actually killing him). One person seeing her is a hallucination. Two or more is not. That's the thing about the Marvel Universe, Death is an actual entity (her complete profile here and here, both noting Thanos' curse of immortality to keep Deadpool from ever being with her). In fact, the first time Deadpool saw her, he thought he was losing his mind (and as anyone knows, an insane person doesn't know they're insane).

(Sorry for the small picture, it was the closest I could find of their first meeting. As you can see, she first became interested in Deadpool because he was the only living person to actually see her)

In fact, for those who don't know, Wade's healing factor at first didn't work, as this answer from someone over at Yahoo!Questions:

BlackPhoenix answered 4 years ago
Yes. Thantos is in love with Death-personified in Marvel as a being with a skull for a head and the body of a supermodel (witch, incidentally, is the body type of 99% of all marvel females), but, for some reason, she was interested in DP (or the other way around, I'm not entirely sure.) Anyway, out of jealousy, Thantos cursed Deadpool with life.

Tobias answered 4 years ago
To add to what Black Phoenix said, Thanos had T-Ray do the dirty work- T-Ray was provided with the neccesary spell or whatever to perform the curse.

Back when Wade had just started in Weapon X, the healing factor he was given didn't work. So he was sent to The Workshop- where all the failed Weapon X project end up. While there, he started going crazy and hallcinated (so he thought) Mistress Death. She was fascinated with him and they kind of fell in love, she urging him to find a way to die, and he trying that very thing.

Long story short, he failed at getting killed, Death lost interest and they both moved on. Fast forward many years and Wade was on a mercenary job to kill a dude called the Black Swan, but he (Deadpool) ended up being eliminated. Mistress Death met up with him and they embraced and stuff before Thanos, who had been spying on them since he's a stalker and obsessed with Death, contacted T-Ray and, through Wade's nemesis, had Wade cursed with immortality.

Deadpool/Death '98
Deadpool Vol.2 issues #61-64 (the Funeral for a Freak stoyline)

Even more so about how much of a couple they are, Deadpool has rubbed off on her a little bit:

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Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

Oh I agree that Lady death is a character, she's seen often enough in various story arcs. I wasn't saying that Death herself was all in Pool's mind. Just when he see's her. I don't recall a time when Death appeared to Deadpool and somebody else that can see her at the same time.

At least that's the way I perceive it.
Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

Oh I agree that Lady death is a character, she's seen often enough in various story arcs. I wasn't saying that Death herself was all in Pool's mind. Just when he see's her. I don't recall a time when Death appeared to Deadpool and somebody else that can see her at the same time.

At least that's the way I perceive it.

The only instance I can think of is the Deadpool game. When he's talking to Death in one room were there are portals he's got to go through to gather some souls, Cable is there. Since Wade is the only living human to see Death when not dying, Cable keeps asking him "who the hell are you talking to?"
Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

(and as anyone knows, an insane person doesn't know they're insane).

Not quite they can have insight and especially if they are having hallucinations question whether these are real or not - delusions are different in their underlying nature but he could well be aware that he was psychiatrically unwell ;)
Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD


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Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

Now Batman is one of the few others I like besides Deadpool but........Batman would have his arse handed to him by Deadpool,I mean Deadpool would literally drink his milkshake,as you just can't deal with a guy who can kill himself to win!

Plus Wade is 100% grade A batshat insane,I actually think he'd scare the Joker.
Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

I actually think he'd scare the Joker.

Funny you should mention that...

On another forum I frequent, someone posted a thread called "Deadpool vs The Joker"

The opening post was that a Random Omnipotent Being sent Deadpool to Gotham to take out The Joker. It was our job to figure out HOW he would do it.

This was the first response. It was also the best response and nobody else had any chance of beating it.

"Deadpool stumbles into some trap set for Batman and kills everyone there, but not before beating the location of the Joker out of the last goon in the place.

Then he steals a pink bicycle from a 10 year old girl and speeds over to Joker's hideout. He bursts in, trades a few insults with Joker, then blows his head off. Finally he throws a screaming Harley Quinn over his shoulder and rides off into the sunset on his pink bike, ringing the bell as he goes, streamers blowing in the wind.

He also does all this while wearing Batgirl's outfit."
Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

Funny you should mention that...

On another forum I frequent, someone posted a thread called "Deadpool vs The Joker"

The opening post was that a Random Omnipotent Being sent Deadpool to Gotham to take out The Joker. It was our job to figure out HOW he would do it.

This was the first response. It was also the best response and nobody else had any chance of beating it.

"Deadpool stumbles into some trap set for Batman and kills everyone there, but not before beating the location of the Joker out of the last goon in the place.

Then he steals a pink bicycle from a 10 year old girl and speeds over to Joker's hideout. He bursts in, trades a few insults with Joker, then blows his head off. Finally he throws a screaming Harley Quinn over his shoulder and rides off into the sunset on his pink bike, ringing the bell as he goes, streamers blowing in the wind.

He also does all this while wearing Batgirl's outfit."

Funny the mention of Deadpool taking Harley. There's TONS of drawings and fan fiction that have those two paired up.

Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

Now Batman is one of the few others I like besides Deadpool but........Batman would have his arse handed to him by Deadpool,I mean Deadpool would literally drink his milkshake,as you just can't deal with a guy who can kill himself to win!

Plus Wade is 100% grade A batshat insane,I actually think he'd scare the Joker.

Can't believe I'm letting myself get sucked into this.

There's nothing unique to Deadpool (aside from the media awareness, which Joker *may* have as well) that Batman hasn't faced and defeated in DC's universe. The unable to die schtick he's dealt with in Clayface, Solomon Grundy, Ra's al Ghul (to an extent), and surely countless others I'm not thinking of. Combat skills and weaponry he's taken on Deadshot, Deathstroke, Lady Shiva, David Cain, etc, and he's able to win or hold his own.

Batman has taken on literal gods and survived, even actually winning. There is nothing in Deadpool's skill set that can best Batman.

That said, it's also going to come down to who's writing the story. Batman can beat Superman depending on the writer.
Re: Deadpool Test Footage Now in HD

Can't believe I'm letting myself get sucked into this.

There's nothing unique to Deadpool (aside from the media awareness, which Joker *may* have as well) that Batman hasn't faced and defeated in DC's universe. The unable to die schtick he's dealt with in Clayface, Solomon Grundy, Ra's al Ghul (to an extent), and surely countless others I'm not thinking of. Combat skills and weaponry he's taken on Deadshot, Deathstroke, Lady Shiva, David Cain, etc, and he's able to win or hold his own.

Batman has taken on literal gods and survived, even actually winning. There is nothing in Deadpool's skill set that can best Batman.

That said, it's also going to come down to who's writing the story. Batman can beat Superman depending on the writer.

I, too, can't believe I'm about to get into this type of discussion too.

But Batman's still a human being who can be hurt, tired out and killed. The entire Knightfall storyline shows that he can. Batman uses predictability when it comes to dealing with his usual rouge's gallery, and psychology when fighting "literal gods." Deadpool has a tactical advantage because he's so nuts, it makes him unpredictable (he's even more insane than the Joker). Hell, Deadpool is so good at what he does, that when Bullseye tried to kill him, Bullseye (known for never missing his target, EVER), well....


Plus, Deadpool doesn't die. Batman could blow him up, chop him into pieces, rip his heart out of his chest, pour acid on him, drop a building on him and Deadpool would get up, hold up this sign...


And then come after Batman again, and again, and again, and again. In that video that was shared, Deadpool would even come back from THAT and still come after Batman until he completed his assignment. Even Batman would tire out. Hell, Deadpool doesn't even have to be in the same area to kill Batman (he's an excellent sniper as much as he is a freakin' excellent swords man).

I'm sorry, you could argue for Batman all you want, but when it comes to Deadpool, it's hard to pin him down when... Well, this entire link sums up how awesome he is.

Here's some more awesomeness that is Deadpool:





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