Daft Punk Helmet for my little brother!

awsome helmet,is it going to be casted in plastic, was wondereing if you did the buck out of wood because you were not going to cast it in plastic.
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No, this helmet will not be molded or casted. If it fit me I would have but it doesn't....oh well. And yes, I made the buck out of wood....not sure what you're asking though...
That looks damn near perfect, great work! I'm working on the Thomas Helmet too, It doesn't quite have the sharpness on the edges yours has, which I like. It resembles more the Discovery era one. I agree on your comment about the papercraft route, ALOT of sanding around the dome to smooth it perfectly.
Dear Perfectionist inside of me: GET OUT OF MY HEAD!




Yeah, I wasn't happy with it. The more I looked at that seam the more I didn't like it I'm gonna try again with a small model saw and styrene as a guide. Thanks to my friend Peter for the Tip.

Had a little fun the past few days. I'm happy to say that the sanding and shaping is done! I'm really proud of how this helmet is coming out. By the way, The ear puck is JUST a TEST piece and nothing more. The visor is just hot glued in for giggles.

The bad news? I did not meet my imaginary deadline of the end of April.

The good news? This helmet is better than I expected And I am very close to finishing it. YES!
Can't have the helmet without the gloves, right?


So it all started with this toaster oven I got at a thrift store for fifteen dollars. It was the right size and it worked, so that was all I cared about.

Originally, I made my DP gloves out of pvc pipe, patience and love, but that method proved to take me around 8 hours and it just wasn't worth the time. So...I built a vacuum former today. This was my master hand:


My 6x6 vacuum former worked surprisingly well! This was the first pull:


A little too soft because the plastic wasn't quite ready, but overall really good! These were done in .20 styrene. I switched to .40 later, because these proved a little too thin.

I made a bigger box too, so I could pull one hand at a time.
this looks great and all, making good progress and even now making your brother some gloves to match but what about your own builds, at least your little brother monopolising your time is paying off with a great build :)
Actually, me and my little brother had some talks and now I'm selling the helmet to someone I know, I'm just finishing it for them. I need to fund more projects and he wants to buy some toys. He was actually okay with it......which surprised me.

Still, thanks for the kind words!

And by the way, I only work on Daft Punk lids, so these are my own builds. Those gloves I made are for me! And if anyone wants a set, they can PM me.
So today I partially finished the ear puck.



I tried to make it look something like the HAA puck but after a few minutes on the lathe it turned into a my very own piece, but I still think it looks good. I still have to make sure it's completely symmetrical, so it is subject to change, but you get the idea of it.

After it's done, then it's on to silicone and a resin cast.
I thought I would share some pics of my finished Guy helmet, the same one I posted about in this thread a few pages back.


Couple of things about this helmet before anyone asks:

#1. No, I can't see out of the visor. I secretly made this helmet for a friend who had broken his arm, so time constraints and lack of funds prevented me from trying to make a visor. This is a static piece, for display only; but you can still wear it!

#2. The colour scheme is really just me being lazy. Because the visor is fake, I didn't wanna go through the trouble of masking it and painting it gold, so I just painted it jet black. I included the HAA wires on the back, so this is really an combination of the encore helmet and the HAA helmet.

Overall, I am really happy with how this thing turned out and I look forward to starting another pep guy build soon.
Got a buying lined up already, that's good. And nice Guy helmet. I keep thinking about my next build, if i ever finish my current one, very tempting to try a daft punk build if a manage to build half as good.as yours have turned out.
Thanks rosskow. And If I ever finish my current helmet, It would be very tempting for me to try a boba fett helmet if I managed to make mine half as good as yours.
Not really Thomas related, but I thought people might be interested in seeing these...


Krylon Metallic gold worked surprisingly well for me. And it dried in about 20 minutes.

If you want a completed set, PM me!
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