Chazdragon 2014 Mar-May Sculpture Contest Entry


Active Member
I am planning on sculpting a full venom body suit but have never taken on a project of this magnitude. I know the clay sculpt is ruff right now. I have built it on a fiberglass and aluminum frame so that the jaw will move with grate ease. I first designed a pulley system and quickly abandoned that idea I then looked into solenoids and decided that would not work well for realistic motion. I finally settled on elastic bands with a formed chin rest (keep it simple stupid). The aluminum platform in the jaw will also serve as an anchor point for a motor that will make the tong flop on command. Tubing will be run from a reservoir with a priming pump to the mouth so that I can simulate salivation.

the Idea is to show the venom symbiote in the process of taking over its host.

starting to look like venom but still needs work.
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Very cool idea, and welcome to the forum!
This sounds like a huge project, and the inside mechanics sounds cool. Looking forward to more.
I started doing some test trials with Smooth-On's Rebound 25 for building my mold today. So far so good if every thing comes out good i should be able to fully form the mold tomorrow. I have also started the trial process with their FlexFoam-6 to lair between the finished Dragon Skin and my fabric underlay. I Just doped $500 on product so if any of you have worked with Smooth-On and have any advice to keep me from making costly mistakes i would love to hear it. I should be able to post some picks tomorrow.

? Will Rebound 25 cure if it come in contact with Vaseline
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