CCX remodeling ! into X-WING RED2


Large-scale modification seems to be necessary for the joining of the rear plate and fuselage.:confused

I made CCX-RED2 fuselage from CCX.
Of course I did heavy modification on it.

CCX was based on pyro fuselage, I think.
But my rear plate was based on hero fuselage, so it would be difficult to assemble each other properly.:facepalm

It seems to take long time for modification.:wacko
Hello atom-san.

You've met with a serious drawback.:wacko
I'm very sorry for you. It seems that this is going to be a lot of extra work.

May The Force be with you!:thumbsup

Hello atom-san.

You've met with a serious drawback.:wacko
I'm very sorry for you. It seems that this is going to be a lot of extra work.

May The Force be with you!:thumbsup


Yeah ... Moska-san.:wacko

I am thinking about remodeling all of the rear section from the canopy end... umm ....
It was several years ago that I made this fuselage.
At that time, I remodeled almost all of CCX fuselage. I was satisfied with myself at the time of the completion of new fuselage.
But it is clear now that this fuselage is incomplete one.:confused

Making new fuselage or continuing the remodeling of CCX fuselage...
Which way should I go…
That is a problem...umm....:wacko
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I decided to continue the remodeling of my fuselage into RED2.:unsure

I separated a nose cone from the fuselage like a studio miniature and tried to put the fuselage on the armature. I wanted to check the fitting of each other.
umm... the fitting looks not so bad...:lol

Anyway to change the fuselage into hero RED2, I must overcome many difficulties from now on. :confused

to be continued...
The CCX fuselage was NOT made based on the pyro as far as I remember atom. It was made from scratch. Yours is now mostly modified anyhow!

You really are doing a great job on this! I look forward to seeing more!
The CCX fuselage was NOT made based on the pyro as far as I remember atom. It was made from scratch. Yours is now mostly modified anyhow!

You really are doing a great job on this! I look forward to seeing more!

Yeah... you are right, Scott-san.
IMO, the fuselage shape of CCX refers to a pyro model. This is a guess from the size of the rear plate of CCX. It's a little bit small as a hero X-WING.:wacko

I modified the lower fuselage to adapt armature.

Because I did not expect to use this kind of long shaft armature originally, modifying the inner part of upper and lower fuselage was necessary this time.:facepalm

Increasing of the height of fuselage will be next step.

to be continued...:wacko
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Hi! all.:)

Before modifying the height of upper fuselage, I wrote panel lines with a pencil.
IMO, the height of the upper fusulage does not seem to have any problem when I watch a panel lines on the upper fuselage.

There may be the problem with the lower fuselage...:confused
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Your work so far has been incredible. But I'm curious why you're taking such pains to rework a CC fuselage into hero proportions rather than starting with a fuselage that is already larger and more in line with the hero red2, like Frank's fuselage, Salzo's, or a Maxi-Brute fuselage?

Way to go, my friend.
It's the matter of time and soon be recovered.
The fun part is awaiting for you later.


Hi! katsu-san!:love

Your words encourage me a lot.
Thank you very much.

BTW, the rear plate problem.
I assumed that the characteristic RED2 rear plate would not fit to my fuselage when I built the rear plate by myself.:confused

As you can see the attached pics, if I set the RED2 rear plate to fuselage, the support rod hole of "Sherman" would be a little bit lower than the other hero model.
If the armature which is installed inside each hero model is the same position, this result might cause the difficulty of inserting the support rod from rear plate of RED2.:wacko

Anyway I'm gonna solve this problem by modifying the lower fuselage.:thumbsup
Your work so far has been incredible. But I'm curious why you're taking such pains to rework a CC fuselage into hero proportions rather than starting with a fuselage that is already larger and more in line with the hero red2, like Frank's fuselage, Salzo's, or a Maxi-Brute fuselage?


Hi! Dan-san:)

Thank you for your comment.
Yeah, you may be right...:wacko

However, the SS X-WING KIT I have is CCX only.
I don't have the pyro kit, salzo's V.2, V.3, and MAXI-BRUTE, too.

I have started to build CCX from 2003.
This is the long journal of remodeling CCX up to now.

I may not build a correct SS model because I cannot use CG method.
All work is carried out from my image.

CCX was the best X-WING KIT at the time of 2003, I think.
I don't forget great emotion when I purchased it.

I'm gonna remodel CCX into RED2 of my image.:thumbsup
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I have never built a SS model, but with a little luck I will someday. I won't build it like you, that's over my league, but hopefully I will make do with a kit of some sort.

While waiting for the time I build my own I keep collecting data, researching the X-wings and the Y-wings, learning. Reading thru everything posted here on this thread is like walking into a treasure vault. Wonderful work, I'm soaking it all up! Really, this is the good stuff!

Your last update is almost one year old, I wonder, how did this build proceed? Or is it perhaps on a pause?

Best Regs,
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Your last update is almost one year old, I wonder, how did this build proceed? Or is it perhaps on a pause?

Best Regs,

Hi! Avanaut!
Did you read all of my posts?
Thank you!;)

I took a rest for almost one year. I'm sorry. Because I was tired to build a SS model, I needed "Shore leave" like Mr.Scott. lol:facepalm
Let me explain present status.
I finished a new RED2 fuselage.
I have a plan to cast this new fuselage in this spring.
The nose cone parts are also finished.

I'm gonna come back to RPF again someday.:thumbsup

All the best.
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Hi Atom-san.

I'm very glad to hear from you again.

Your fuselage and nose cone are superb. Please come back to work.
I think you've rested enough… right? :p

My best wishes.
Fuselage looking good,coming along very nice,why stop?
Looking forward to your Red2 build:thumbsup


Hi! Don-san!
Thank you for comment.:)

Please don't worry, I will not stop building RED2.
But now, I'm waiting for a motivation to be given from somewhere or someone. Do you understand what I mean? lol
Sorry for my poor English.:facepalm

Hi Atom-san.

I'm very glad to hear from you again.

Your fuselage and nose cone are superb. Please come back to work.
I think you've rested enough… right? :p

My best wishes.

Hi! Rafa-san!
Long time no see!:)

Your fuselage build is really magnificent so far!
You are really talented modeler, I think.
I'm looking forward to your future progress.:thumbsup

Of course, I will be back here again.;)
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