Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) COMPLETED!!!!!

Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build - DEADLINE Oct 8

Nice pics seven

For the laser you could use a toy gun. Kmart has one that has the same light effect and sound $5.
Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build - DEADLINE Oct 8


The boots were made from a pair of size eight navy blue rubber rain boots.


taped off the "line" above the bottom stripe so that I could paint the sole purple.


Next I set up garden stakes so that I could paint the entire bottom portion purple


Next I taped off the purple so that I could paint the white portion of the boots


Both the purple and the white coats took about 3 to 4 passes to finally get the right shade and strength I was looking for. Then I masked off the green plate in the back and then the green "steel toe" color. Finished results look like this:


Sprayed everything with a sealer - yea there is some bleed in a few places, and a few scratches, but I think the costume is going to get some serious pounding from a two year old, so I am not worried.

Second, the pants we are making are bell bottoms and will probably hide most of these imperfections....

And Halloween is dark....

Next up... Jet Pack
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Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build - DEADLINE Oct 8

My 4 year old wants to be Buzz this year as well. I don't have the time to make something as awesome as you are but I did get him the Buzz Lightyear wings at Toys R Us.
It would be cool to encorporate them into an authentic backpack.
Just an Idea. They were pretty cheap I think.
Here's a video.

YouTube - Aric's buzz lightyear wings
Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Yea, I saw those - but I hated the straps and the fact that the wiring was all tied into the chest plate (which seemed too small for my son)

Jet Pack

The Jet Pack is being made using a blue 1/2 camping foam mat from Wal-Mart. First I printed off the jet pack template and divided it into 4 major pieces, I traced those out onto the foam with a sharpie and cut them out with scissors.


A = two pieces to be glued together to make a sturdy back plate
B = two pieces to be glued together and then glued to part A to begin adding dimension.


Gluing everything together with a sponge brush and this Contact Cement from the hardware store


After "A" and "B" were glued together, it was time to add the smaller pieces


C and D are "mirror images" of each other and glued on top of the A/B base.


And last glued on parts "E" and "F." Now I will just let it dry overnight to keep it flat and make sure it gets super dry. The last part will be to make a concoction of elmer's glue, caulk and water to "wash" over the entire pack to cover up discrepancies, and fill in a lot of the softness of the foam. In other words to make a "hard shell" exterior, or a "glue primer" so that I can get ready to paint it.
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Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Chest Plate

Cut a chest plate template from paper and then traced it on the blue foam.


I am going to use an Apple cider cap for the big red button, but at this point, I don't know what to use for the 3 right side buttons.

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Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

I am going to use an Apple cider cap for the big red button, but at this point, I don't know what to use for the 3 right side buttons.


That's looking awesome, makes me wish I was a kid again!

As for the right side buttons, have you considered deodorant caps? I know Old Spice caps are just about the perfect shape. You make be able to find a cheaper brand (Or find some old ones lying around) that fit the bill too.

EDIT: here's a shot of an Old Spice cap so you can check it out...


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Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

that IS a good idea, and the right shape, I hope I can find deodorant lids small enough for a kid sized chest plate.

Jet Pack Addendum:

To get rid of the "stacked sides" look, I bought some white posterboard and cut it into measured strips and glued it to the sides.


The tape is just to hold it in place while the glue dries...
Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

More templates

To scale up templates to fit you divide your height, in inches, by 36 inches (the scale the templates are at currently). That number will be your scale factor (or percentage).

For example. Height= 5'-7" (or 67"), divide 67"/36"=1.86111... or 186%.
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Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Added 8.5x11 of the 11x17 sheets. they are broken up and would have to be cut and taped together. Also went back and added a 4 part break down of the Rocketpack.
Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

So I went with modified emory boards for the right side buttons, not exactly the right size, but they will do...

Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS


The only problem with the severed emory boards is the "line" they leave after you glue them together. So what we did was trace each one on cardstock, and then cut out the templates. So we will glue the cardstock covers to each one so that when we go to paint, there will be a nice smooth surface.

Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Every time I see threads like this I get jealous of the kids that have prop saavy parents haha this is coming together really nicely! keep up the good work :thumbsup
Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

I painted the entire chest plate green - just to get rid of the blue color and to test how well the foam would hold the paint. This is not going to be the final color of the chest plate. I also painted the 3 voice buttons and the wing activate button.


I am actually going to use the fun foam again. I traced the camp mat chest plate onto the fun foam and cut out a new top layer.


oh, my bad... the buttons are in the wrong color order.... well, they aint glued down
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Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS


Armor Belt
I cut a 25" belt out of the camping mat. The belt ends are roughly 2" wide. After we put on the pants and attach the black ribbing to the shirt, we will be able to better eye ball the width of the belt.

Costume Pants
We bought all of our yardage as "t-shirts" from a bargain t-shirt store.


We traced a pattern using a pair of my son's pants and cut out a template.

Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

What a Cool ..... Dad

I bet this is will be an Awesome costume for your son....

What a memory he will have of you when he gets older....... :)

Looking forward to seeing the finished costume...
Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

I'm really liking the progress on this one, it's going to be a great costume when all is said and done:cool
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