BTTF Plutonium Case Thread

Good shots Ken.

The cases you are calling Bruces are actually a Time Machine owner and mine. The canisters he sells are ours as well.

I think we still have two cases left that just need foam and stickers and what not but if you are interested please PM me.

Anyways there were dimensions floating around a while back from a run and thats what we used. We had the walls of the case made from thinner cheaper materials since it wasn't going to be protecting anything really. I was thinking of making more on my own as I am sure they could be made a lot cheaper then what we paid to have them made. And shipping, ohhh lord shipping.

While the dimensions may not be 100% I am perfectly happy with mine and my canisters as they are. Am going to mod my reactor one day to accept the canisters as well.
Just found this thread and I can't believe it took that long to id the Anvil case especially with all the Muscians and film people here! :lol
We had figured it was a musical case and anvil made for a long time. I thought it was for holding Microphones or something similar with all the pockets.
Yeah if I had seen the thread I would have told you it was an Anvill as I have a few for my Axxes.

We had figured it was a musical case and anvil made for a long time. I thought it was for holding Microphones or something similar with all the pockets.
In fact, I have a few of these vintage Anvil cases. If I get the chance to destroy one next week and extract the hardware, then I could mock up a case out of cardboard using the real hardware - that way we could figure out the dimensions perfectly.
thanks for posting those poloaroids renesisx!

I have been pushing Anvil lately to see if they can dig to help determine if this was a custom job for BTTF or if they have a similar case based on the camera lens direction.

I for one think with the art department wanting an easy prop, and the eerily close nature of the "found" piece, that this is an existing case that anvil makes on their own.

However, i keep hitting walls of "oh it was a long time ago, and the company has been sold, we moved etc.... "

ill keep pushing

i have a lead on the plutonium canisters ... and think we can nail those dims PERFECTLY !
Ha! Actually I believe Anvil did save the specs as 'BTTF Plutonium Case Rev. 1'. The item number for this design is ATAH16000639 (I just looked it up from my purchase order).

Thanks very much for all of your helpful images and information about these cases. I have decided to purchase one. I also went ahead and bought the "Radioactive" decals you mentioned from the merchant on Ebay. Can you tell me who assisted you with the "Plutonium Handle With Care" stenciling? Frank V at Anvil says they cannot replicate the proper formatting.
Having a lot of fun with this.
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I stopped thinking about to make a complete box, but it would be nice to have a plutonium canister. Because the import would be fun with the customs, and I dont want to be on the list of top terrorists, I thought about to make my own one.

Gary used acrylic tubes for the plutonium, and the canister itself looks like a acrylic tube...

so, I guess finally I need 3 tubes and two end caps... sounds easy, but it isn't right!?!? :lol

So, are there anywhere sizes/dias of the tubes? is the 3rd tube (plutonium stick) hollow?

Any help is ... well.... helpful... :lol

And why so I ask so many stuff about BTTF? Because at the moment I have a BTTF phase...
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