Back to the Future

Here's another view:

You know, I just looked it up and that book was published in 1914. Either Doc had it in his Delorean of that's major historical error lol.
FANTASTIC job roland that paint up looks FLAWLESS :cool

Thank you! :) It's not perfect (in my opinion), but good enough for my collection. And I hope, my scan helps you all to make your own sign.

You know, I just looked it up and that book was published in 1914. Either Doc had it in his Delorean of that's major historical error lol.

I didn't know, that you already looked out for that book. But yes, you're right, it's from 1914. Maybe the set designers hadn't found a book from 1885 or earlier.
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I gotta say THANX to all the great BTTF paper props placed here, for FREE! Without all of these great looking props to use as a background for my BTTF prop replicas, my display would look like crap. :)

Thanx to all the great people here
I know, Jedifyfe is gonna kill me now! :D Sorry Brad, I don't want to mess up your business. :$

Here it is, the really definitive MATCH MADE IN SPACE dust jacket. :p

You need a very large paper sheet to print this out (24 x 18 inch). I suggest you to go to a copyshop, where they can print on such a large sheet. If you want to print it at home on a A3 or US-Tabloid sheet, then use the A3 or US-Tabloid versions of the PDF.

Here are the PDF's:

Large paper sheet (one page):

A3 size (two pages):

US-Tabloid size (two pages):

And a prop accurate version (the spine is twice and overlapping):

A3 size (two pages):

US-Tabloid size (two pages):

The dimensions of the book you need for this jacket are: 9.6 x 6.4 x 2.0 (or 2.1) inch





First of all I have to say thank you to our friend Vivek, who helped me out with a very good scan of the George McFly photograph. While I was working on the dust jacket, I felt more and more unhappy to use a movie screen cap for George's photo. Of course, it was a HD screen cap, but the quality was still too bad to meet my requirements. I searched on the Internet in the hope that I find a better photo. And I found it in the archive of


What you see, is a page of the "Hollywood SFX Museum" book from an exhibition in Japan 1990. I found out, that Vivek has access to that book (a friend of him has the book), and I asked him for help.

Here is a small preview of George's photo after my angle corrections:


Next step: the front picture of the dust jacket. I made some corrections and I remove the original text to avoid ugly pixel borders around my vectorized text.

This is a smaller preview of the painting without text:


I hope, you have fun with my work. :) And sorry again, Brad!
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While I love your work and think it is great that you are offering all that time and effort for the free paper section... I think this was kind of a D**k move, sorry.

I am not trying to be mean or anything, but you clearly knew Brad had the sale thread up currently. You say you do not have the intention to ruin his sales, but you went and posted anyway? If it was me, I would share, but I would have waited for Brad's thread to have time. After he successfully had his sale, then I would toss mine up for free. Your timing really looks like you are sabotaging his thread.

Sorry, it just seems that way to me.
... Your timing really looks like you are sabotaging his thread. ...

Sorry, that wasn't my intention. It was really just a bad timing, but Vivek sent me the scan a few hours before Brad started his run and I had worked on this dust jacket as long as Brad. Brad knows that.
If Roland made this himself (which I don't doubt), he has every right to post his version here. He even has the right to sell his version too! What is wrong with some competition? As long as you're not recasting, I think everybody is free to offer whatever he wants, no?

I'm working on a Ghostbusters Time Magazine cover right now. Once the sales start, and I see someone offer a cover here of the same quality, than that's just bad luck for me. But who am I to say that someone else can't post his work here for free?

Thanks for sharing Roland. I can't access the file here on my working place, but I'll sure take a look this evening.
... As long as you're not recasting, I think everybody is free to offer whatever he wants, no?...

That's precisely my opinion. Thanks for your support, TomVDJ. ... I'm sure you will love my version of the dust jacket. :)
I'm at home now. Great work again, Roland! I like the blue background (for the flaps and back) a little bit darker. But since it's a PDF, it's just a small effort to change this in Adobe Illustrator. Thanks for sharing this! Now just trying to find a book of the correct size ;-).
... I like the blue background (for the flaps and back) a little bit darker. But since it's a PDF, it's just a small effort to change this in Adobe Illustrator. ...

I tried to match it with the original dust jacket as good as possible with that blue background. Compare it with the Profiles in History auction picture. ;) But I don't know how it looks when it's printed on paper. I haven't printed it out yet.

... Now just trying to find a book of the correct size ;-).

I will try it too. If you (or someone else here) find one, please post the name of the book. :)

The dimensions are:

9.6 x 6.4 x 2.0 (or 2.1) inch
24.38 x 16.25 x 5.08 (or 5.33) cm
Just in case anyone needs a widely available book to fit that Match Made in Space cover, my first American Edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire seems to be a good match....and I'm sure the sizing didn't vary too much between editions.

Based on a quick measurement (I didn't break out my calipers or anything) it looks like a perfect fit. (if anything it might be a tad too short, but there seems to be enough space on the top and bottom to trim a bit)

... my first American Edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire seems to be a good match....and I'm sure the sizing didn't vary too much between editions. ...

Is your edition that large? My german hardcover edition of that book has the perfect depth (5.25 cm) for the dust jacket, but it's far too small in height and width (22 x 14 cm instead of the required 24.38 x 16.25 cm).

By the way: here is a screen cap of the real one. You can clearly see the beige and claret colors of the book.

Is your edition that large? My german hardcover edition of that book has the perfect depth (5.25 cm) for the dust jacket, but it's far too small in height and width (22 x 14 cm instead of the required 24.38 x 16.25 cm).

I'll dig out my calipers and report back. :p

EDIT: The official dimensions of whatever edition is currently in print in the US are 9.3 x 6.4 x 2.1 inches. So it's close, but just a little too short. The options are either to trim the cover, or to take the book to an antiquarian book seller to find something in the same width and depth, but just a little bit taller. It's a shame it's so close but not exact.

It has turned out great Roland, glad I could help out.

I do want to mention that until yesterday I had no idea Brad was offering his "Match Made in Space" cover for sale. But I knew he was working on his own version of the cover past few months now. Brad is one my favourite board members and I wouldn't want his sale thread to be sabotaged in any way.

But I feel there is room for both, members who don't want to print them out themselves but want to directly own these replicas can definitely go with Brad's covers. Others looking to customize it further, can download and print it as per their specifications.
Are you kidding guys! This is AWESOME!

I would rather have a FULLY accurate cover and refund everyone from my slaes thread than make a stink about this. This is SWEET and VERY cool of Roland to give it away.

Thank you to Roland and Vivek! Seriously great job!

@Moviefreak - Thanks for having my back but just know that I am more about having an accurate replica than the money. Thanks again bro! :thumbsup
Glad to hear that Brad. You're one hell of a stand up guy, if this fact was not already known to others :).

I still feel you should have continued your sale thread as many would want to have ready made replicas. Either ways I am sending you the original scan, if you choose to improve on your cover replica as well or keep it as a backup.

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