Assassin's Creed: Altair

Luckily the way I've rigged mine to open, the hood won't make it any MORE difficult to get into. And at DCon I'll have help getting in and out of it.

I've been hard at work on the art for the gauntlet plates all this weekend. I finally finished the last one this morning. Epilepticsquirrel, being the amazing dude he is, is raising the patterns for me into 3D objects so that I can print them at shapeways and then mold and cast them in resin. Much better than the temporary carved leather solution I was just about resigned to a week ago.

Any day now I should be getting a call from the art store to pick up my styrene sheet, and when that happens, that hidden blade is going together in one night. I haven't been this excited to build something in years.

And as a small final note, next time I go up to LA I'm going to get some better buckles for my gauntlets that don't protrude out in a weird way. As accurate as the shape of my current buckles is, the center bar mounted to the back screws everything up. The new buckles won't look exactly right, but they'll lay flat, which will be a huge improvement on the left gauntlet especially.
I was going to post this last night, but Photobucket was down, so this picture is a little out of date now.


I've since finished installing the trigger plate, I just have to make the triggers and the little pegs that contact the blade and I'll be able to test out the switchblade function. I think my tolerances are a little too tight between the blade and the plate, so I may have to do a bit of sanding to get the blade to fly all the way in and out.
Had an exhausting failure today. I finally finished all of the elastic features of the hidden blade, and the blade doesn't want to make the trip. I have no idea how that guy in the video got the thing to work. I was trouble-shooting various problems for about an hour until I finally put my xacto well into my finger and decided to stop. Hopefully I can figure it out in a couple days.
The blade can't be lubricated, it'll eat the paint and get all over the place when the blade is extended. By best guess as to the problem is that the bumpers on the trigger plate are too thick and they're pressing down on the blade. My first attempt to thin them down had no effect though, so I'm not sure.
The blade can't be lubricated, it'll eat the paint and get all over the place when the blade is extended. By best guess as to the problem is that the bumpers on the trigger plate are too thick and they're pressing down on the blade. My first attempt to thin them down had no effect though, so I'm not sure.
Is it a matter of things binding or not releasing properly?
Great job man! Your costumes really are good! Recently just created a blade that's really easy-to-build with my own triggering mechanism. Not like amanra's but im pretty sure it works perfect!
Still here and still working. The hidden blade has been put on hold because I just don't have time to re-engineer it to work properly. A friend with an embroidery machine was going to do the armhole trim for me, but her machine is on the fritz right now, so I've picked up some trim as a placeholder. My current project is the boots. Using a pair of boots I already had as a base, I've built these up from a lambskin hide and an old leather jacket.




I'm finishing up the second boot now, then I move on to the trim.
Wow, that looks really nice. I'm looking at doing something similar with a pair of paratrooper boots I have. Would you mind posting a picture of the other side of the boot? Or just describe how you did it? I ask because it looks like it would be hard to get your foot into the boot if there wasn't some sort of opening on the side. Did you include a zipper in the base spat like the original boot?
I left the zipper on the boot functional and just covered it with a flap so it isn't visible. The spat is entirely separate and is just wrapped around the leg and buckled in three places. Those buckles hold it in place vertically on the leg because it's custom fit. I'll take more pictures when I have time after the con.
OK, I've been swamped but finally decided to upload some pictures. I ended up carving the gauntlet plates out of leather in my hotel room the first two nights of DCon. Here's the result with the placeholder wood block hidden blade. The designs on the plates are really simplified from the designs I drew up. Carving them would have taken forever if I had left them as is.



And here are a couple pictures. The first is with Fevereon in her awesome Revelations costume and another costumer as a pretty respectable Connor.


And this second one, this kid had a pretty darn good costume for a kid.

So I am making altairs costume atm. And I am kinda stuck at leather part, could you please share all the patterns you have? Belt, vambraces, boots, etc.
That would be a huge help, since I am really short on time. And I want to buy leather today, but I can't since i don't know how much ill need it.
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