Assassin's Creed: Altair

The gauntlets are made from about 7-8 oz. and the belt will be made from 10-11 oz. belly hides, although I'm considering using some of the gauntlet leather for belt piece number 3 to cut down on bulk, if there's enough left over. I still wanted to used that stuff for the sword belt as well, the hide is disappearing fast.
New gauntlet pieces are cut:


And so is the belt.


They'll have to dry overnight, and tomorrow I'll punch the stitching holes in the belt pieces and then dye everything. I might also start patterning the upper tunic and make the sash.
The gauntlet is completely dry, figured I'd try it on. Everything's looking good.


And I got the belt stitch holes punched, but the thicker pieces still aren't completely dry, so I'll have to wait to dye everything until tomorrow.


Well, this is probably my last post of the year, and it's been a bad one for me and most of the people I know. Here's hoping next year is a good one. Happy new year, everybody!
Just some belt progress today. Hoping to finish the new left gauntlet tomorrow as well as the belt stitching. The sections of stitching missing on the middle piece are where the two pieces will be sewn together and those missing on the bottom will be explained in my next post.

OK, so the reason that stitching wasn't done yet was because of the frog. There are no visible rivets on the belt, so the stitching had to be what held the frog on. I also noticed that early in the game when Altair has all of his weapons taken away, the top half of the belt and the frog are both gone. So I made my belt two pieces that can be separated held together by snaps, and I also made the frog detachable in the same way and the tab can be hidden by folding it back and snapping it in place.



I also assembled the gauntlet.


And finished the belt with the exception of the buckles in the back.


If I get time to work on this tomorrow, I'll make the sash and finish the belt.
The sash is made from a linen blend, best I could find. It was stiff at first, but it wrinkles up after a steam press. It's a little too crisp at the edges now, but that can be fixed. It's 5.5" wide and 18 feet long.


I finally finished the belt, too.


And I got started on the metal gauntlet plates. They're cut from 6 mm craft foam. I intend to cut duplicates from 1 mm foam that I'll cut the details into, then glue them on, mold, and resin cast them.

I've been working on the upper tunic for the last couple days, and it's given me some headaches. I cut and sewed up the top half of it once only to realize I had made a mistake and the whole thing had to go in the trash. With the help of EveningArwen and Aeryn, I now know how to do it right, but haven't gotten around to it because I started in on the bottom half, and I've basically finished it now. I just have to attach the back tabbards.


I was hoping to finish tonight before I leave town, but it'll just have to wait. I'll get back to work in a few days.

Oh, and the tunic is made from bleached white "hopsack" linen, it's a really nice, soft open-weave linen blend. It looks perfect up close.
Looking great! I love the tooling on the belt! I have an Ebony Brotherhood Ezio that I bought not to long ago that I'm looking to upgrade to pieces for. I've been looking to buy some leather, but I have no idea what to get. What thickness, what side.... I look at Tandy's site and I just stare at the site with a blank face. Any recemendations?
I'd like to say that I could answer all your questions, but unfortunately it takes a long time to learn it all. I wouldn't recommend buying leather on Tandy's site, you should see the hides you're buying in person to check for defects, scars, bug bites, wrinkling, etc. Every hide is different. In the case of the belt, I had to dig through a stack of 30 belly hides to find two that my patterns would fit on and weren't flawed anywhere I needed. I can repeat from before though that my gauntlets are made from 7-8 oz. hides and the belt is made mostly from 10-11 oz. belly hides. The straps are made from 2 oz, as I didn't have anything in a 3 in my scrap pile. I'd recommend going to your local Tandy if you have one and asking if they teach classes. Get the full starter kit, take the class, and keep going. What the class didn't teach me much of was proper edge finishing, I learned that from my boss when I did this for a living. My process is this:

Cut the piece into the right shape. Use and edger (cuts the edge off at an angle) on the back, taking off a fair amount (hard to define, but don't go more than 45% of the way through the hide). Flip the piece and use the edger on the front, only taking off a very small bit of the edge, and holding it very steady so that you don't make the line wavy. This can take a LOT of practice to get right. Get the edge of the hide damp and use a slicker, the wood one works best, to round the edge. Then for most of my pieces I use an edge groover, which puts a line along the edge. Personal preference. After the hide dries, you can dye it, put satin or super shene on it to seal in the dye (in the case of the Altair costume, use A LOT so it doesn't rub off on the white fabric. I didn't dye the backs of these pieces for that reason. After it's dry again, rub some wax on the edges and use the slicker again, moving it very fast and applying light pressure to heat up the wax so it seeps into the imperfections and makes the edge smooth.

I hope all that can help you a bit. I do have to say though that getting into leather work is a huge investment. I think my tool kit at this point cost about $500, and that was with business pricing for most of the pieces.
This is looking incredible! Subscribing for the rest of the build... although wow. What you said about the startup cost of leather tooling sets is making me reconsider doing this for my boyfriend's 21st like I was planning. :3
Wow thank you for the advice. I found a Tandy Leather close to my university that I'll go check out here soon and ask for some classes. Looking forward to this being finished! I'd love to see it at Phoenix Comic Con (Arizona) in May if you can make it. Good luck on the build!
You're doing amazing, I wish mine had survived and been anywhere near as good as your's is turning out. I want one :D
Thanks everybody, I appreciate the compliments.

Metalfire, I won't be attending Phoenix CC, but if I'm able to make it out to DragonCon this year I'll probably bring this one along, sans weaponry. I don't think the hidden blade would go over well in carry-on, and the sword is just plain too bulky. Might attend Wondercon as well. It all depends on my budget. In a career transition.
The hidden blade mechanism is mostly finished, I'm letting it sit in the closed position for a couple of hours to see if the stapler spring is going to keep stretching indefinitely. If it does, it's not going to be usable and I'll have to find some other way of spring loading it.


I should finish up the tunic later tonight as well.
As I had expected, the stapler spring stretched out really bad and it's completely worthless now. I don't know how all the people on youtube get away with using them. Tomorrow I'll pick up some big rubber bands and try it that way. I may have to change them out occasionally, but at least they'll work.

I've finished the outer tunic except for closing off the liner at the waist and the shoulder embroidery. I like it, but I'm not 100% happy with it, I made it flare more than I'd like. The pictures aren't great, everybody else already went to sleep.



I was planning on making a new under tunic as well, so if anybody's interested in the set, maybe even the pants as well, send me a PM.