another Blade Runner blaster rip-off VERY GOOD!!!

Nice! How much were the toys?
I had been hoping for a "Super Excellent Target Gun" for Christmas but, alas, my stocking was empty. Maybe because I mistakenly called it a "Blade Runner Gun?"

Nice mod thread!
minor setback...I hope...Applied a testcoat of gloss black on one half of the toy and not only is the gloss really hideous (enamel hobby spray - big mistake) but as I took the masking tape off so off came the gunmetal coat along with primer....doh!


any tips on a gentle way to remove the hideous enamel? thinners and a sponge?

Anyway, so the lesson learned here is...sand first, DON'T use cheap primer and stay away from hobby paints! (I usually use automotive paints to great effect)

In other news I may have a shipment of the original toys late this week to pass on...fingers crossed for that too

and on...

In other news I may have a shipment of the original toys late this week to pass on...fingers crossed for that too

and on...


Sad to hear about the paint problems. At lest you where not to far along into the build!

If you do get a case, I'd be down for 3 of them!

*keeps fingers crossed*
nope. awaiting funds for bits for progress and my contact couldn't get hold of any last week. I'm still awaiting a response from the distro company and have plans to pester them again this week.

keep them pinkies crossed!

Hi There

Just want to say Baron, I think you rock, I've ordered 3 of the fancy dress guns from ebay - really looking forward to getting stuck into modding those.

My Dad has ALWAYS wanted a replica - this seems to be the most cost effective way of achieving this dream for him. So 1 for him, 1 for me, and 1 for spare :)

I don't suppose you've had any luck with getting in touch the Super Excellent Target Gun manufacturer? I'd really like to get my hand on 3 of these as well.

Would you mind sharing the name of the company so that I might make my own enquiries?

Many Thanks, and keep up the good work :)
I'm glad i just crossed my fingers and didn't hold my breath :)

Any update on your build or on the chance of getting some of these "taggers"?
3 emails, no replies, luckily my wife is Spanish so she's gonna give them a telephone call this week and try to get to the bottom of this.

The build is on the backburner whilst I'm chewing my way through some other projects (musical not proplical)


Okay update on the little plastic beggars - My wife phoned the distro who refuse to do business a: to the UK and b: for anything less than a massive bulk order to anywhere else.

It's not over yet - we're both on the search for the Chinese manufacturers and last resort will be me picking up the entire stock of the shop when I return to Spain in the coming weeks

Hang in there...

well..the news is bleak...the shop that previously stocked the toys no longer has them. there are a number of similar stores around town that I'll try today but if that draws a blank then we're in trouble. The toys themselves have no indication as to who manufactered them apart from the aforementioned distro who won't help.

I have a telephone number from them tho of a small family run shop in Barcelona who might have some...maybe I dreamed the whole thing? did I really find these toys? am I really here?....

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