AMT Slave One WIP

Nice Randy.. its very neat and clean work as well. Are you going to use brass or aluminum tubing when it comes to some parts the wings? It can help make them look hydraulic? Cant wait to see more pics..
I didn’t think about metal tubing for the hydraulics, thanks for mentioning that Metallboy.:thumbsup I’ve been cutting, filing, sanding and test fitting pieces to see how I can get these wings to look closer to the studio model. I should have some photos ready to upload tonight.
Thanks for the kind words guys. I really don't consider myself as having any model building skills. This is all trial and error for me with some experimenting thrown in. For something like this, I think skill comes with experience and learning so it would be important to just start building something while challenging yourself at the same time. There are things with this build that came out better than I was expecting and there are things that didn't come out as good as I imagined and it all has to do with my experience (or lack of). I feel I've learned quite a bit with this build and also learned some great techniques with help from you guys. Thanks again.
Update time. I worked on one of the wings to see how it would comesout. I was pretty nervous about cutting it up because I didn't know if I would be happy with the end result. What you see here is the original part on the left and my version on the right. I couldn't find any tubing small enough for the hydraulics so for now I'm using battleship cannons.











Another side by side comparison.


On the next wing, I'll take photos while I'm working on it in case anyone is interested in seeing that.
Thanks for the kind words guys. I really don't consider myself as having any model building skills. This is all trial and error for me with some experimenting thrown in.
Allow me to let you in on a little secret: Unless you're doing a straight, out-of-the-box build (and even then sometimes) it's all trial and error and experimenting. There are a few "tried and true" techniques for scratchbuilding, but almost every modeler I know has his/her own way of doing things, none of which are either right or wrong.

For something like this, I think skill comes with experience and learning so it would be important to just start building something while challenging yourself at the same time.
Absolutely; practice and experience are the best teachers. I've been building models more than 40 years now, and I still don't feel I've gotten it completely right on any one of my builds. But at the same time, the moment I stop learning from it or it stops being challenging in some way is the moment I'll stop doing it because it'll then become routine and boring.
Good job on the wings! The kit looks to have a little simplified wing design, but your mods are making them look very nice!

Looking forward to see your work on the back. Its one of the coolest designs Ive ever seen.
Thanks for the feedback Zombie and Nazgul. I too love the look of the back of the ship but the AMT version is so far off that I wouldn't know where to begin. That's why I'm kind of cheating on this build and it will be displayed in the landing position so I don't have to mess with the engines. Sorry. But hopefully I can make up for it by building a nice interior.
The Revell version is a replica of the FM. It has the same inaccuracies. The openable canopy makes it look like a toy, so even if it has good shape and details, its hard to make nice. The FM on the other hand has a seriously warped canopy that doesnt sit right.

Could you post a pic off the back of your kit?
I couldn't find any tubing small enough for the hydraulics so for now I'm using battleship cannons.

Go out and buy metal knitting needles, They come in many different sizes and some are even Hollow.
Second hand stores might have a bundle for cheap penny.

Nice again , the wings are looking really good with the details,scribing and all I understand you cannot go beyond certain measures to achieve the ultimate accurate look however in my opinion if you do get around the metal tubing it will make them look even way better? :cool Great work .... keep it coming...
For small detail tubing, Id hold styrene spruces over a burning candle, pull it apart when its about to start to melt. After cutted, Id bend and form it. You have pretty good control of getting the right thickness.
Thank you very much guys for the input. I didn't think about the stretched sprue and I'm going to be on the lookout for knitting needles as well!

Here are some pictures of the back of the AMT Slave 1 Nazgul. Not too bad overall but not as well detailed as the FM kit.



Not to bad, shape is ok, sexy porsche fenders and all. ;) If you scratch some stuff and alter the area around the dish it could do nicely.

From what Ive seen, The FM is based on the Ep 2 version, basically a repainted Jango, and that area is off, so you can focus on that and make a better version. :thumbsup
I have taken quite a few pictures that documents my steps on how I have upgraded the wings.

First I use a piece of 1.5mm styrene.






Then I add some little bits.

Then cut some 1mm styrene.




I'm just going to use these bits for now just to match the other wing. I also glue down the 1mm pieces so they curve down. The tape is holding the curved part in place until the glue dries.


Next are these little rib type things.


Next I need to open up this gap so the rib things can line up properly.


This is how much I'll cut out.



Now here's all the parts put together.


The two together.


One last shot of some details.

I hope the pictures were pretty self explanatory. Thanks for looking.
Thanks Rob:thumbsup

Not much of an update here. On this piece of the wing I just added little bits of styrene to get a more triangular look and a dab of epoxy putty to smooth out the under side.

I'm not sure what these parts of the wings are called. Support struts maybe? I have filed down some of the raised parts in the middle sectionf of these struts to make it look more like the original model.


Then I cut out this section and added some axle bit from a Nascar model.




And here they are on the wings.







