Alien Enviromental Suit Progress .Youtube links added last post.

Hmmm. . . . had a little time to mess around with the second image. Here's a cropped section.

The lettering is crooked and has uneven spacing, exactly as if individual dry transfers were applied by hand, quickly. Thoughts?
Oooh, I like "OPEN" much better. That fits quite well.

I hope the original application of the letters was much straighter, and they simply were damaged during weathering or after filming.

Found a poorer pic of the same:


  • helmethawk.jpg
    921.7 KB · Views: 162
Cool shot, Mike. :)
Not sure how much dry transfers would slide around on the surface, but it is relatively easy with rough handling
to chip and scratch them up quite a bit. The same kind of wear is evident on the lettering on the sidearm props.

I played around with the other image a bit. . .

"VENT DIAL" perhaps? The third letter may not be an I, though. Not sure if the structure above and to the right is intended to be a switch or a knob or something.
Four letter words that end in "AL" that would make sense in this case are in pretty short supply.
I was guessing that a wash or a sealant coat might make them lift off, float around a bit and then stick back down in a slightly different place.

I like "DIAL" for that one. It makes sense, and it's possible that a knob is missing from that greeblie.

Ripley's white Narcissus suit has the same greeblie, but with no knob, post or screw at all. No text, either, at least that I can see.
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Once Letraset is down it doesn’t move even if flooded with sealer, so it was probably 'badly' applied in the first place. In their defence having lettering just underneath a projection means you have to cut the sheet into individual letters and then try to rub them down - tricky!
Thanks for all the input, guys! I think I'll do a practice run with my white rub down letters and see if I can get
them reasonably straight. If all goes well, I'll add them to the helmet.

ProMod, I've had to work with individual letters before. . . it is a royal pain to do it that way.
I went ahead and added the lettering. I'm pretty confident on the "DO NOT OPEN VENTS" and about
80% on the "VENT DIAL" on the opposite side. The letters were waaaaay too small to try and scrape
them to match the weathering, so I left them complete.

Here's the right side.

Close up on the lettering.

Here's the left side.

Along with its close up.

This was fairly tricky to do. I didn't resort to cutting each letter from the sheet individually, but I did have to cut
each row of letters and work that way. It's a very subtle addition to the helmet, but I know they're there. :)

Many thanks yet again to Richie and Steve for creating a magnificent prop! This has a very prominent place in
my collection and I love it as much today as when I got it in 2009.
I have not been on in a long time. Great addition with the helmet the letters. I never picked up those words were there.
Very cool
Great results!! I have a collection of Letraset and yes, it a pain to rub and apply each letter by hand (to make them look worn out, you can always take the point of a cutter and remove part of the letter that way).
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