After credits scenes: WARNING almost all spoilers!

I'm pretty sure that DoFP was already in production by the wrapping production and end credits scene of The Wolverine (TW as a standalone film and DoFP as a First Class/X3 sequel) And since Wolverine had already stated he's ready to stop hiding and be a soldier again, he was ready to rejoin the X-Men just as the events of DoFP were beginning to unravel. DoFP was already a done deal, they just added the scene to show everybody (general audiences) that another movie was happening as soon as The Wolverine was over
I'm pretty sure that DoFP was already in production by the wrapping production and end credits scene of The Wolverine (TW as a standalone film and DoFP as a First Class/X3 sequel) And since Wolverine had already stated he's ready to stop hiding and be a soldier again, he was ready to rejoin the X-Men just as the events of DoFP were beginning to unravel. DoFP was already a done deal, they just added the scene to show everybody (general audiences) that another movie was happening as soon as The Wolverine was over

Originally, no it wasn't. The Wolverine was already wrapped up by the time they started DOFP. They went back to do reshoots for the after-credits scene for DOFP
I think that's the only reason they made a re-boot of the Hulk, so he could be brought into the Avengers, pretty sure that movie was in the works right after Ironman, if not before. ;)

There was a special on the other night about Marvel's big play to make the Avengers, and yeah, that was all covered in it... all the Post-Iron Man planning.

I remember back in 89 (I was 12), There was this big rumor going on that after the credits for Batman, the joker gets up off the ground, laughs, and walks off screen.

I hauled ass so fast back to the theater to see that moment... which didn't happen.

I wasn't convinced though that it wasn't just on certain reels.... so when it came out on VHS, I went right to the end... yeah no.
A little Google research shows that The Muppet Movie in 1979 might have been the first movie with a post credit scene.
Hands down the best of the marvel movies if you ask me. I like Spider Man (Tobey Mcguire) But loved Iron Man. The scene where he escapes from the cave is a great sequence. Also when the tank fires at him and misses and he fires back and walks away makes me grin every time!
My favorite after credits scene is one from, I think, one of the Aardman Studios pictures. One of the characters comes on after the credits and says, "What are you still doing here? Go home!"
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