6 ft. TOS Enterprise

Ron, Wow, she's almost done!! Keep up the great work.

On your question about weight, nope, didn't add any. With the mount point where it was at, it's actually balanced very evenly, and puts very little strain on the stand. I LOVE your idea of the adjustable engines, everything on mine is down and secured.
The electronics are a blast!! Thanks again for the nice feedback.
As to the display, yeah, I'll put up a pic or too, I always forgot to do that. I bought a really nice glass/steel table she sits on in my display room, surrounded by trek action figures! I usually keep her covered though to keep the dust off. Haven't gotten around to doing up the huge acrylic display case cover it really needs. But I will one of these days.

Catcha later,

You did an excellent build Sean, (THE best I've ever seen)..
...and your website pages are a great resource of building info.
I like your style of writing, and how you made sections on different aspects of the starship being built.
Your pictures are great, and the detail you've put into everything is an example to follow.
I'm happy we are friends, your input in our private starship club is most welcome. You have been there, building a huge starship, and solved so many questions and problems as you went.
Did you add weight to the front of your warp engines to balance their weight on the pylons? I reccomend that, it's then easy to keep the engines aligned. Also I designed my engines to be adjustable, with a block between the warp pylons in the engineering hull that can be moved forward or back to "adjust the tailpipe".
I like how you did the electrical systems in your ship.
I was thinking about filling some of my windows, and read what you went through, and how you filled them with the clear dental resin.
I'll be painting my starship soon, and want to use a blue gray latex house paint, and weather, rust stain, and streak my hull like Ed Miarecki did on the 11.
How is your starship displayed today? On the planet base stand?
I know you must have moved it off the pool table, do you have any new pix?
guess I will be building yet another TOS Enterprise.
had an Idea years ago if I built a large scale ship ,I would like to do a 6 foot cut away not like the 22 inch but fully built with a transparent skin on the port side. looks like another long term project.ah well the last enterprise I built took 6 years Guess I could do that again.
It was fun chating on the phone with you Mike, and I look forward to seeing your fiberglass starship being built.
With a starship this size, there is no limit to the detail that can be added.
I once figured that a mans shoe would be 1/16" long on a 66" starship, and a man 3/8" tall.
So even gum stuck to the hull, in this scale, would be a speck!
The decals are finally done, and Tripper will be shipping them to me this week, so your kit'll have decals in it too.
Guys who already have their starships will be receiving their decals in the mail as soon as I get them.
Did you join our starship club?

I'm getting my starship ready for her blue/gray latex paint job with a little hull fairing.

When the decals get here I'll be ready, I'm doing the rust stains and black streaks ED M. did on the 11.

We'll have a big unveiling soon with some big beauty shots to compare to TOS scenes.
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Thanks Karl.
I will take a pic from a slightly different angle for this comparo. LOL.
And do some primative TOS episides screen matchs soon.
Starship Update
Stardate two thousand seven nine zero one,
I got new domes today from my buddies at Special Effect Supply Corp.
They must be aware of the warp effect created from their domes...
The energy is there.
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Why do so many people insist on making the glow from the warp engines predominately orange? The original had clear frosted domes and multi-colored Christmas lights inside, right? If that's true, tinting the dome(s) red or orange will create a different effect than the original.

Just my two cents. The rest looks good! It's obvious a lot of work went into this. :)
Unless that picture and any others were seen BEFORE she went to the Smithsonian, she had no domes when she arrived so no one would be able to use anything based on the restorations done to her at the Smithsonian.
Other then physical data coupled with archival data and film research.

I'm interested in your remark about lets get ready to rumble.
Ours is the most accurate replica and is based on solid data from hands on examination of the 11 footer. Plus many photos used to answer the questions of areas changed in the restorations which came from secure sources that not many people still breathing have seen. Paramount protects that data as does the few custodians that have it.

I can point out several issues with your replica based on the screen caps you used alone. But I'm not here to tear you down. Where it is nice to see another replica of the TOS E, you should temper your knowledge with the facts that there are others that know this ship better then you do.

And yes, I worked on the project. I did the SLA work for certain parts so as to deliver a level of accuracy not used at that time.

It's a nice build. Good to see another one out there for those who can't spend the extra cash on ours.

Thanks for your reply, but insulting comments aren't nice.
My team spent about a year developing the starship for ourselves, not for money.
So we made it for our own enjoyment, in our spare time for the fun of it.

"Lets get ready to rumble" means...
Put up some pix of your version.
We all want to see.
....to substantiate all claims, post some starship pix so we may be better informed, and judge for ourselves.
I look forward to seeing all the versions of giant starships in a lineup, but it'll never happen unless those others are willing.
It is up to you. I already put up pix of my version, and invite you to do the same.
A perfect side veiw of your starship will work.
As far as I know we have seen 66" starships from 4 designers..
Jim Key
Mike Moore..?
Greg Jein
and me,... but we never got to see those versions all together with a pic of the 11ft model to be able to have an informed opinion.
(Only 6ft starships)
That would be fun and interesting for all starship fans.

IIRC, one of the guys who actually worked on the original show posts at HobbyTalk under the handle "TrekAce" and I believe he said he remembers the domes being tinted. But I don't recall anyone putting forth any conclusive evidence via photos, etc. that they were anything other than frosted clear.

So, was the picture posted above taken at the Smithsonian? Just curious as I have never seen it before and you did not provide any further info when it was posted.

Thanks! :)
Oh no! Another thread about the accuracy of the TOS E, will this one make it to 58 pages? Get the popcorn ready fellas.
Whats wrong with the Dinky 2 incher?

Or how about the Dinky version that shoots the little plastic disks?

Sure, these new big versions look great, but does an orange plastic shuttlecraft come out of the big trap doors on the belly?

I should say not!!!


But seriously, I LOVE these big ships and all the research that goes into them!​

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