5' Millennium Falcon ref pics - now on studio scale server

Re: 5' Millennium Falcon ref pics - limited time only

Hi nwerke, as far as I know my album is on the rpelica prop forum page being new to this web site I have not yet figured out where I am and how to get a thread going or how to let people see my falcon picture, I have also built and studio scale x wing snowspeeder and y wing fighter, pluas an at at walker which stands sorry about the pun about 16 inches high all built from scratch, and I mean from scratch.
I have just found my album in the community link now you may be able to check it out.
regards Barrie.
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Hi Martyn, I've only been looking at these photos really closely now, and I'm amazed at your photography skills and unique angles you took. That rear underside shot is brimming with detail. Fantastic cockpit center console pic too - I didn't know it was detailed that much on the 5-footer - I wonder why the prop builders didn't go all the way since it was way bigger than its younger brother.
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