3d printed Star Citizen civilian space suit and behring p4sc service rifle


Different views (Ive got shorts under this so its a bit baggy)

A fwe shots in better light.

The bits and pieces.

Thanks to my amazing partner for the sewing!
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So I'm back after a crazy amazing weekend and just figured i would give a quick rundown on what i did, who i saw etc.

So i flew down to Melb and packed everything into a hard shell case (well its a bit flexible actually) and was hoping that nothing bad would happen.


Half a tube of 5min epoxy later and voi la!

Friday morning PAX AU myself and my partner (She was my handler, my 2nd set of hands and my photographer! I cannot thank you enough sweetie!) Hung out at the CIG booth then went to Samsung AU to pick up a prize for a comp i won! A 512gig ssd! Woo!

On our way back i hear on the grape vine that a VIP had arrived :) Obsidian Industries had a great reception from Chris! <3 No Derp there Firespikez. Not on my watch :)

Some super funny ship cosplays! lol

Time flew by and we ended up at the Beer Garden meetup. Quick shout out to Ryan for running back to the CIG booth to grab my helmet and rifle. THE MARINES! You guys were awesome! (Ping me on Combustible props on facebook so i can add you both!)

Chris rocked up again :) I was there too hehehe. I chatted with so many people during the meetup, and i really wish i knew who you all were... I suspect most were Illfonic and other devs / cool peeps.

After the event we wandered back to PAX and grabbed a few photos with sword fighters (Swordcraft). You will note there is not a boob plate to be seen here. Salute!

Smiles are Better Cosplay!

And some droid....

I found i couldn't physically stay in my costume any longer and dumped it (at the insistence of my partner) at 6pm and went back to play some board games and wander around a bit. We so needed to be there the entire 3 days! :( Next time! Anyway we decided to pike at about 9:30pm and i passed out for 12 hours solid. Wrecked!

Saturday evening at the CIG FPS event:
We rocked up and were quickly hustled inside and were told I was needed on stage! What. After a quick discussion and a test run I was told to find the Marines as they were also needed! After that we were free to wander, shmooze and mess around. I loved seeing the marines guarding the door for 20mins :D

Long story short, i had my 5 mins of fame on stage (hopefully the full stream will be up soon) and saw an amazing presentation on the FPS module. Highlights were seeing the Behrings, the fog in the helmet (it really happens!), seeing someone get shot in zero g and having the blood droplets drift away, and seeing the pinwheeling body! LOL.

After wards i was posing for heaps of photos.

And having photos taken :)

It started getting late so we decided to head home... and it was about this time It started to sink in what had just happened... :D

Stunned just doesn't cut it really....
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