Done / Completed 3D Printed Hellboy Samaritan Stand Kit

Kit ready for tk2647, but your inbox is full! Can ship tomorrow if paid. Remember, International shipping is now $30.00
Wanted to mention, all my FS and INT threads are still active, we've been assured that they will be moved to the proper "new" areas soon: regardless we're still open for business!
Just wanted to let people know, I've got 1 more stand available for purchase, then I'll probably close down this thread. So, if you're thinking about one, now's the time...:)
Curtis you have convinced me, payment sent Rob and for a Samaritan as well. Looking forward to seeing it, looks fantastic!
I've got 1 stand kit ready to go if anyone's got a Samaritan just laying on their desk waiting for a proper stand...
Still got 1 kit left available, grab it before it goes. It'll be the last one I can make for a while (as that printer is at work, and I'm off for 2 months!!!!!)
I would be interested in it please I have still yet to finish my gun (other projects and work) but I will most likely need a stand

PM my details and cost please
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