2001 USA Space Nuke

Hey all,
I'm back doing a little work/research on this and could use some help :)
Please cast your eyes over these kit pieces and see if anything looks familiar.
The first (circle piece) looks like a 1/72nd tank turret hatch piece. The rest are all about 1/4-1/2" tall.
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First one looks like this part in the black squared.
it is from the 1/144 Vostok kit.


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Certainly looks the part! But as far as I can tell the Airfix Vostok kit wasn't issued until 1970. So it's 2-3 years late. :-/
The first one shouldn't be a tank turret hatch cupola due to having too many 'bumps'. The viewing blocks would have been more of 8-9 in number, much less than what is on this part. MPC issues of Airfix kits would necessarily have been after (or concurrent with) Airfix's original issues. However, that isn't to say there wasn't another Eastern European Vostok kit available at the time. But Eastern European kits weren't as accessible to the West then as they are now.

The third one looks like something from a ship model while the fourth could be part of a small, plain engine block. Fifth one down has an automotive engine block head feel to it (such as the part that fits between the cylinder heads on a V-8...

And I thought tracking down the Mill Falcon's decals was a can-o-worms!

Regards & good luck - Robert
No go on the Vostok kit Lee. I have the original Airfix catalogues of 1968 and there's no Vostok kit. Only the 1970 catalogue has one at the 144th scale. Good luck;)

Does anyone have an Adams/LifeLike Atomic Canon kit? If so could you either take some kit part scans/pictures as I can't find a single one online :)
Or take 5 minutes to look over it for the parts highlighted above.

Many thanks,
I have the instruction sheet for the Life-Like AC Lee but can't see any of those parts. The Airfix Vosper lifebelt looks similar but is a 70's kit. Try some big boat kits.
I've noticed on some of the pics from "The Making Of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey" that there was also the UPC kits...any luck on that avenue?
I think I've found the small piece on the neck. As suspected it was from a 1/72 or 1/76 tank. And it was an obvious one as it's used for sure on the Moonbus!
Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 10.18.56 PM.png
I sent my 3D files to Wasili to CNC the 'core', ensureing it would be both square and strong.
Reworked into his CAD software...
Super clean parts started to appear...
And now a test fit:
Can't wait for the parts to arrive here and the built begins!
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