2 Sonics for the 2nd Doctor?

Reads like someone went back in time, made copies, stored them someplace no one would find them, went forward in time, claimed them and dropped them off on the door step right in time for the 50th. Weirder things have happened. ;)
Of course, if you're going to go back in time, why just grab copies of the episodes? Why not use your advanced future tech to get colour footage or high-res photos of Patrick's adventures? :D

Having been a fan since the 1980s, I have learnt to wait until it is officially announced by the BBC and Doctor Who Magazine. If they receive any and they of releasable/broadcastable quality, the BBC will announce it.
I have had the opportunity for a one on one conversation with Frazier Hines and he said that the original Sonic was piece of brick - a brack Patrick got, and that is was something that Deborah had on her. When the planned Sonic prop failed to show on time they had to make due. This was told to me many years ago and he had no idea what it was. He did say he could not remember if the prop had shown up by the end of filming causing two sonics in one episode. BTY there is an antique red one on ebay right now of the correct style.
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I love this thread. Love it. I've always known there must be others out there as obsessed as I am with having all the classic versions of the sonic, no matter what they looked like, but I never realized there were two whole threads full of you just waiting here in the RPF, hiding in plain sight like a screencapped whistle, until now. Hello, my brothers.

Soooo... Let me see if I have this right. I've read through all the pages on both threads, and I gather the order is this: first was the bakelite ditcher whistle, then the Everready pen light, then what appears to be the same light reassembled onscreen with a handle stuck on, then a different penlight for The War Games? Do I have that right?
Sort of, it really goes:
1) A Whistle - "Fury from the Deep" Episode 1
2) Unknown - "Fury from the Deep" Episode 6 (unknown due to the story being missing and no good behind the scenes pics like Episode 1)
3) An Unknown Penlight body with a handle attachment - "The Dominators" - This Penlight is visibly different from the Eveready
4) The Eveready Penlight - "The War Games"
Great Info Guys! Found the link to the RPF place thanks to Terrasolo's plug on the Kasterborous podcast :) Have to ask Brian, where in ep 6 is the Sonic screwdriver used for the 2nd time in Fury, I have just listened to that, but didnt hear it :(Any updates on the make of penlight used in Dominators? or was it totally a scratch built prop (did they do a lot of that back in the 1960's).Again great info on the original Sonic Screwdriver, just need one now. (saw your in the background to your podcast Brian, NICE :) Will wait for any runs on this. Anyone having a go??
Hi Morelock, glad you enjoyed the PodKast with Nick Robatto, Thanks! I don't know the exact time code for Episode 6 of Fury from the Deep but he doesn't use the sonic in the usual way, he hooks it up to the machine he lashed up to help save the day. Unfortunately, until that episode is found we won't even know for sure which prop was used there.

I hadn't realized my 2nd Sonic was that visible in the PodKast, good eye. There is another thread on here where you can get a good look at the pen light that is the same as used in The War Games for the Second Doctor's sonic. That's what my replica is of. Mine was just made from 3D printed parts and a close enough penlight body. It was fun to make and filled the gap in the collection quite nicely.

No idea if anyone is doing a run of any of the Troughton sonics. Naturally I'd welcome that but there you go.
On the lash up? Really I missed that. Is that said or in the script? Now it would be funny if they used two different props. Yeah eagle eyed Mike that me re your Sonic. 2nd Drs My favourite, so notice anything to do with him ;) Will try & find a a penlight & do the same! Will try and find the other thread too. Yeah really enjoyed Visual cast. More of them please!
I don't recall how exactly it is said to be honest, I'll have to listen to the story again and get back to you.

The 3D Printed parts were by 13DoctorWho on these boards. You can order from his Shapeways page.
Ok I had another listen to the scene and checked out the photonovel and the script and this is what is said:

"(He points to a small electronic gadget.)
HARRIS: What... what does that do?
DOCTOR: Well it's a little toy of my own. Together with the amplifiers, yes... it should produce a sonic laser sound wave."

So it seems many of us have taken for read that he is taking about his sonic screwdriver hooked up to the device as it makes sense giving its sonic qualities and set up in part 1. But as they don't mention it by name, then I guess we now need to amend the believe, certainly I do, and say unless and until the story is found again we won't know if they are even talking about the sonic or some other device.

I'm inclined to believe it is very likely to be the sonic due to the set up of the device but it does seem very vague here.
Cheers for that, completely missed it! So, last episode. How many minutes in? Im guessing it must be a ref to the sonic too... Why else introduce it but to use it as part of the main weapon against the Sea Creature?
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