1/24 X-Wing near 100% from scratch

I remember fawning over Rafa's work wayyy back, Y wing, DSII, etc etc, loved gawping at such killer stuff, this thing, is off the hook, he just bends and shapes styrene at will!

Hey Stu and Lee! :cheers
Your kind comments always give me encouragement to keep striving. Thank you very much. :love
I also follow your different projects on this forum and I admire your skills. Keep on your magnificent and inspiring work. :thumbsup


I present a small update in the construction of my second version of the cockpit.

As I usually do, first I used Google SketchUp 3D application to build the cockpit so I can get the measurements and the parts that I need.

Then I copied the details that I have observed in reference images and I've adapted them to the dimensions of the different panels that I obtained from the 3D model.

The first panel I made in styrene is the main top panel. I constructed superimposing 0.25 mm thick styrene layers, and then adding all the details using also styrene in different thicknesses. Some of those details are extremely small, but finally I was satisfied with the accuracy that I've obtained.

Attached are some pictures of the construction process, as well as a simulation of painting that panel and some images that I used as a reference.

Thanks for looking. :)

01-Cockpit SKETCHUP.jpg 02-COCKPIT 3 STEPS.jpg 03-Cockpit upper main panel.jpg 04-Cockpit painted simulation.jpg 05-Cockpit reference pics.jpg
Ridiculous? well ... wait till you see my reproduction of the cockpit used in real action scenes :wacko. Soon…

Thanks for looking.

Moska that means ridiculously good work. Its slang for unbelievable work, fantastic work, terrific work & all the rest.
Thanks for sharing this project with us.
The detail in this build is just absolutely and unbelieveably ridiculous and amazing. It's too good....so I say that we BAN him.

Now before everyone gets up in arms let me explain.

Where I work there is a modelling forum with many active modellers and the absolute highest compliment anyone can give to someone for their excellent work is to call for his/her banning. It's all in good humour though and shouldn't be taken personally other than their work is of the highest standard and a job well done.

Keep up the great work Moska. I still say "Ban Him".

:p :D
Moska that means ridiculously good work. Its slang for unbelievable work, fantastic work, terrific work & all the rest.
Thanks for sharing this project with us.

Hey Jawsmodels. There has been no misunderstanding. All that happens is that sometimes I do really felt pretty ridiculous trying to manipulate those so tiny details with my stubby fingers. :facepalm
Thank you very much for your support. :)

Keep up the great work Moska. I still say "Ban Him".

:p :D

Please! don't BAN me!
I could no longer live out of this modeller's paradise.

Oh Junk Pilot! you are a horrible man. You made me cry. :cry

Many thanks friend ;)

Lee and Reelo.
Thank you very much again for following my thread and for your support.
Knowing that all you, my friends, are accompanying me on this project makes me feel very happy.:)

Hello moffeaton and tek2graphics.

Thank you very much for following my thread.
The great thing about this forum is the feedback from which we all benefit.
We all learn from everyone. My work will inspire you and your works really inspire me.
Could you ask for more? :thumbsup


Hello again.

I've finished the front console.
As you may have noticed, my version of the live action cockpit corresponds to Episode V "The Empire Strikes Back". I took this decision because there are very few references from the set built for ANH, and I think ESB one is much more and better detailed.

Here you have some ANH DVD screenshots where you can see it is very different in comparision with ESB cockpit. And also you can see that the detail is less thorough in the first.

To build my front console I used as reference merging two different frames of the ESB film. Specifically two images corresponding to the approximation and "landing" on planet Dagobah. The fusion of these two frames resulting in a complete image of the front console.

Thanks for looking. :)


  • ANH cockpit capture-01.jpg
    ANH cockpit capture-01.jpg
    232 KB · Views: 605
  • ANH cockpit capture-02.jpg
    ANH cockpit capture-02.jpg
    195.2 KB · Views: 7,538
  • ESB cockpit capture.jpg
    ESB cockpit capture.jpg
    190.7 KB · Views: 558
  • Front console.jpg
    Front console.jpg
    157.7 KB · Views: 660
I'm very excited to see you tackling the screen accurate cockpit! Here are a few more screen grabs - hope these help. They are all from ESB. The RotJ cockpit was even more detailed.

Shadow of Reflection: Movie Screencaps R-S: Click image to close this window

Shadow of Reflection: Movie Screencaps R-S: Click image to close this window - note the rocker knob on the upper part of the canopy

Shadow of Reflection: Movie Screencaps R-S: Click image to close this window - note the greeblie in the bottom rt side is the same on the Falcon throttle housing

Shadow of Reflection: Movie Screencaps R-S: Click image to close this window

Shadow of Reflection: Movie Screencaps R-S: Click image to close this window

Rot J Version
Shadow of Reflection: Movie Screencaps R-S: Click image to close this window

Looking forward to your progress. Hope these images help.
Hello SofaKing01.

Thank you very much for your images. I can see yours are very similar to the catch I did, but I guess yours will be from the blu-ray edition because they have higher definition. :thumbsup

Yeah, I'm trying to build an accurate reproduction of ESB cockpit, but keep in mind I'm working at 1/24 scale so it's limited what I can do. In addition, I intend to make resin castings, so I must avoid details too thin or sharp to facilitate molding.

Your 1/1 Millennium Falcon is amazing. Despite your nickname, I don't think your project will leave much free time to waste it on your sofa. :lol

Thanks for looking. :)
Hi Rafa,

You're very welcome! I pour over as many images as I can with my build and try to help anybody I can going for screen accuracy. :)

I know you're limited with what you can do being 1/24 but I can't tell you how excited I am to see someone tackle this project - wonderful job. Have you considered 3D printing? I can't remember if you mentioned it in your thread but you can get alot of details with 3D printing.

Thank you for the kind words on my build. I got back into the modeling world with the idea of going "Big" - Next time, I really should look up the definition of the word "Big".

Anywho, looking forward to seeing more progress. Please post lots of pics - we like pics.
Hello friends.

As you know, I'm trying to replicate the real size cockpit as it appears in ESB film. The problem I encounter is that, apparently, they used at least three different sets in the same film, and the details are different in all of them. In addition, there are no references on the left front area, so I decided to make a mix of them all, using as reference the best documented areas and including some parts of the set used in ANH. :facepalm


Apart from the above, my work was stopped when I found on the internet a new image of the full size cockpit set. This image is very revealing and, although is titled "Jedi 82", you can see that the front console is identical to that used for ESB. Also, in this picture you can see the entire front console, which made me redesign my cockpit blueprints to make it more accurate. Fortunately, the top panel suffered no alteration in size, so that the piece I built is still valid. The one I've had to do again is the front console. My first version was not really accurate. :rolleyes

COCKPIT-Jedi.jpg Front console-01.jpg

To build my second front console, first I corrected the picture perspective to get a real frontal view. Then I drew all the details and translate it into a 3D model to check the different volumes and thus to determine the thicknesses of styrene I should use. My first version was richer in relief, but the second one is much more accurate. :cool

Front console-SketchUp.jpg Front console-steps.jpg Front console-02.jpg Front console-03.jpg Front console-04.jpg Front console-05.jpg

Thanks for looking. :)
Pure Insanity! I love it!

Rafa, you should decide on a single design or you'll drive yourself nuts as I did with the cockpit. Like the XWing cockpit, the MF cockpit also changed during production of Empire. The way I approached these changes were this: If I liked it, I added it... I understand my additions / subtractions are a bit easier working in full scale, but don't worry too much or wrap yourself around the axle - just have fun with it. Pick the design "you" like. You'll get no complaints from any of us! :)

NOTE: Not sure if you noticed - the vertical greeblie to the left of the view screen in an old car stereo tape player - there is one in the MF cockpit as well

EXCELLENT job so far
This looks absolutely stunning! :) And you´re insane for building this twice... Noone except for yourself would have noticed the tiny inaccuracies! But I know, if it was my own work it would drive me mad and I´d redo it as well. ;)
Hey guys. Thanks a million for your kind comments. :)

SofaKing ...

A stereo tape player you say? :lol ... then I guess the big black lever on the right will be the handbrake. Right?
Hmmm ... space engineering of the 70s ... love it. :lol

I can imagine what Luke was listening during the Battle of Yavin ...

You can be sure I will reproduce the parts that I like, not caring too much about what film are from. And I enjoy every little bit of styrene that I add to my project.

Thank you very much for your support and advice. :)
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