1/144th Prometheus scratch build

Have you considered vac-forming the domes? Take the dome you have and scribe the panel lines, then mold it hard plaster and vac-form as a female mold, this holds the panel line details and avoids the soft radius common to male molds.
Have you considered vac-forming the domes? Take the dome you have and scribe the panel lines, then mold it hard plaster and vac-form as a female mold, this holds the panel line details and avoids the soft radius common to male molds.

Yes, i did consider vac forming this


1) I would of had to make 2, because there is a difference between top, bottom, front, back, left, right....etc.

2) I don't have a vac former, important i think

Originally, i was going to buy a 8,1/2/' diameter plastic hemisphere

Trepan it to shape at work, glue it together and vac form the parts

but i am phenominally stubborn, and I really wanted to make everything, in my house, myself.

And, i have a limited amount of cash and there are other things that i have no choice, i have to spend the money but this isn't one for me.

Now the way i have done it, the outer ring can be used for both inner and outer pieces, i can use one dome for all four engines.

I used to have a joke with my Pop's that if you could make something by hand and didn't, then you were cheating in some way

I want to proove to myself that i can do it, that i have the same skills as my Pops, my uncle Stew and my Grandad

If there was such a thing, these three fantastic modellers would of gone to the Hogwarts of model making

MODELWARTS, has a ring to it

Thanks for stopping by everyone

Clearly you have great skills, the model looks fantastic, on par with any studio scale filming model, it was just a suggestion because of the weight issue. I look forward to the finished model.
Coming to this build late, but Tom, Dick, and Harry. I now have the Great Escape theme running through my head. Thanks, love that tune :)

But what is the fourth engine called?

Ship is looking great, between this and your other builds you're really inspiring me to try my hand at this. In the vein or Top Gear, "what's the worst that can happen?"

Well guys, this molding thingy is bloomin smashing
I cannot recommend it enough
Your basic, flat sided molds are fairly easy, the hardest part, for me, is mixing the stuff without making a tremendous mess and getting silicon all over me and everywhere.

This is a top tip mate, got a perfect backside now :D Thanks mate

The next step is with clay and do one of those two piece jobbies, don't need to right now but its in my future for sure.
Thank you for stopping by, and especially to those kind geezers who left a comment.
Ello Peeps,
Welcome to my life and medical update, things have really hit the fan since we last spoke.
As you may remember i was going on vacation and as soon as i returned i would have my hand surgery
Well, I went on vacation as planned with my beautiful wife but 5 days before i did, my surgery was rescheduled for two weeks later, bit of a pain but no big deal, had to rebook my leave from work and stuff but it was all sorted, eventually.
Returned from a wonderful relaxing time in the Bahammas only to be laid off from my job the first day back, 2 weeks before my rescheduled surgery.
Not Good.
So then i had the stress of looking for a new job asap. Lucky i would still be covered under my insurance which would last a month after i was terminated, until the end of July
But the stress put my blood pressure through the roof, so my Doctory wouldn't sign me off, until i had it under control.
So i had to monitor it every two hours and keep a record.
Re-cap, needed to find new job before my surgery but couldn't start until i was healed enough but had to keep my blood preasure down so i could have the surgery before insurance ran out, go it, .....good.
Well the Friday before my surgery i went for an interview doing my dream job, machining custom rims for cars.
Nailed the interview until i told them about the surgery.......silence followed, but i assured them i would be fine, i was lying of course, i had no idea what i was in for but before i left i told them i would be ok to start at the beginning of August......NO PROBLEM, they seemed satisfied.
That night recieved a call asking if i could come in on the Monday and work just to see if i would be ok.
I worked like a lunatic for 9 hours, fitted in with the guys, was setting up beautiful 19", 20" and 22" rims on 5 milling machines within an hour of being there. Just tried to think of it as my make a wish day, if nothing came of it at least i had one day making rims.

Wednesday was surgery day, everything went well, woke up with a new level of pain, i felt like my arm was in molten lava when i woke up, unreal.

But over the last week and a half this has eased until now which is ok as long as i don't use it, i can move my fingers now but not my wrist.
These pictures were taken 5 days after the op.




The X-Ray with bone removed and four bones screwed together


Tomorrow i go to get a new more solid cast that i have to wear for 6 more weeks
After my surgery i just phone the wheel place to tell them everything went well when i'm delighted to say that they offered me the job starting on the 3rd of August.
Vossenwheels.com take a look

So, one week from today i will start at the shop you see in the video, i can't wait
As for modelling, basically going stir crazy not being able to do anything but
I do have some more ideas for stuff like for example a really simple hand operated roto molding set up and some other kit ideas.
But that will be later in the year
Prometheus is burning a hole in my brain right now and i can't wait to get back to it but i must be patient
Which i'm NOT
Very frustrated right now

But what can i do............wait.
Thank you all for visiting and thank you all for your support and encouragement and thank you so much Mikey for another box of grebblies, you is the man my friend
The other engine is named Maria, after my wife because its the master.
Take care everyone
As that great Austrian actor once said



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Glad to hear you made it through with some blessings to spare. I also hope you heal fast and fully so that we can all benefit from your forthcoming updates (whenever that will be).
Really, really glad to see your post -I'd been wondering about the radio silence.

Glad to hear you're recovering and that the job situation is looking positive.

Don't keep us in suspense, keep the updates coming ;)
Glad everything has turned sunny side up for you dude, I know how you feel, I was off for three month at the start of this year when I cut half my index finger off, the boredom was worse than the injury.
What kind of company has you take vacation and then lays you off as soon as you get back? Well I'm glad the surgery went well and that it's covered by insurance.
Great news about the new job, congratulations! As far as the model goes, it will be there, heal first. I know I've got models I want to finish, but can't because of my work schedule. It gets really frustrating. Take care of yourself and heal up. Looking forward to more Prometheus build whenever it happens.
Good to hear about the success of your surgery & good luck in the new job mate

Heres a vid I posted last night,......its probably best suited for you

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I'm glad you're through the worst of it. I know it must be frustrating wanting to work on stuff and not being able to. Take the down time to plan how it's going to proceed, work out the problems before you get to them, and stock up on the stuff you're going to need but don't already have. Sketch if you can - even/especially if it's your dominant hand they operated on.

And congrats on the new job!
Wow, sounds like you just passed through a storm, but I'm glad to read that it has pass and things are settling for you. As for your hand surgery...wish you a 100% recovery and get to your new job and make those Ferrari rims. When I do get rich to get be able to afford one then it will roll smoothly :p , oh and of course, quick, fast, and hurry recovery to get back on your work bench ;)
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