1:1 Wall-E Build - 2014 Halloween Appearance

Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Loving this build. Masterful, and fun. My I add one more kid to the fan of your build thread? My 5-year-old daughter loves Wall-E and digs your build.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

very nice build! awesome paint job as well! will follow this for sure :)
Thanks. The paint is a lot of fun. A lot of what's in place will need to be redone or touched up, but it just adds to the layers of paint and continues to make is more "real".

Loving this build. Masterful, and fun. May I add one more kid to the fan of your build thread? My 5-year-old daughter loves Wall-E and digs your build.
Glad your enjoying the build and delighted your daughter is a fan -I'll keep posting if you'll keep reading (and commenting) ;). I'm hoping to have Wall-E completed in time for my daughter's school Fall party. Think it'd be fun to have him there for pictures.

Yesterday was a good day, I think I was able to invest a good 4-5 hours on moving the project forward. A lot of what was done is structural so it's not obvious, but it all keeps sneaking the ball down the field.

As of last night here's where Wall-E stands:

Back upper bumpers in place, sanded and primed

Front lower bumpers in place, shaped and sanded (awaiting some Bondo and primer)


I couldn't resist propping the head up. I think I'm starting to see some personality!

For those with a discerning eye, I've mucked up the rear lower bumper (wrong shape). I forgot to check my reference photos/plans and did the piece from memory. Very fixable, on the list of tasks for today.

More to come...
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Not really on purpose, but at about 1:00 am last night I put down the book I was reading and headed to the garage. I figured the temperature had finally dropped enough that I could prime the new parts and they'd be ready for paint in the morning. Course I ended up in the garage until 3:00 am painting...


This morning I cut the remaining bumper/trim pieces and got them primed and painted


Last night's activities also included sketching out all my cut patterns for the arms. This morning they started to get some love...



Internal arm support/bracket

As an FYI, so far Wall-E's been built almost exclusively from left over MDF, styrene and plexi from other projects. I think my only expenses so far have been a quart of primer, half-a-dozen paint rattle cans and a couple of sheets of 1/8" MDF -probably less than $50 so far. Course, we don't want to talk about labor costs... ;)

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Wow this build is coming along so awesomely!
Thanks, I definitely am starting to get excited as Wall-E continues to progress.

That is awesome. Keep it up!
Thanks, I appreciate the support and the words of encouragement.

Today was spent working on a lot of little things, but not much getting completed. I think I've figured out how I'm going to get the arms done (there were a couple of pieces I was struggling to figure out) and, unfortunately, I'm going to have to redo a couple of pieces I finished yesterday -don't think they're going to work in the grand scheme of things.

Components of the arms so far

and a beauty shot of Wall-E

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

The temp dropped on Labor Day and it was almost a pleasure to be working on the project (course, I'd just finished mowing the lawn and digging out some shrubs so it was still a little too hot ;))

I needed to redo Wall-E's shoulder hinges with a smaller axis hole. I also recut the flat base of Wall-E's arms to make them longer and wider -I'll sand their final shape once assembly is complete. A dry fit with the arms.

Bored out the hole for Wall-E's arm, built an internal support and tested the fit.

Added cosmetic strip, telescoping mid-arm piece and did a dry fit.

I'm still trying to figure out how I want to build the wrist, but hope to start on it today. I also got all the hand/finger plans printed and should also get those moving forward.

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

The arms are now dialed in -next task: hands.

Progress pics----

Arms assembled and glued

Preliminary sand and primer

Initial paint job (it will get a lot more love)



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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Final paint on the arms completed and shoulder mount added (I'm very pleased with how the arms came out).



Also got the remaining finger pieces cut for both hands and started gluing. Shaping and drilling will be this evening when it gets cooler (I bought a box fan for the garage/workshop this afternoon -hopefully it will help)

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Just amazing, especially the paint. Love it how you make it look so metallic and real! :)
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy)

Looks great so far.
Thanks -I hope to have it "show able" for this weekend -my kid's school is having a fair and I think it would be fun to have him available for pictures.

Just amazing, especially the paint. Love it how you make it look so metallic and real! :)
Thanks! I built my first "wood working" project when I was 37 and my first prop when I was in 39 -I am in awe at the work you're doing on R2. I wish I had started much, much earlier!

Progress -we have arms!

Threaded rods added to the shoulder mounts

Holes drilled and routed on both the inside and outside of the body -added additional wood to the interior to make sure the weight of the arm is well-supported.


Yeah baby!



Hands (fingers) cut, sanded and tweaked -still need to cut the pivot points and add "hinges"

I keep forgetting how big Wall-E is. Look at his hands compared to mine

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - He's Armed!

WOW! He really is coming to life. And you know what they about big hands... big gloves! :) When do you think he'll be ready for show?
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - He's Armed!

WOW! He really is coming to life. And you know what they about big hands... big gloves! :) When do you think he'll be ready for show?

Big gloves indeed!

The fair is this Friday.

I have no hope of getting the treads done, but my goal is to have the hands and neck complete and to have the chest readouts in place. I'll throw in a couple of battery operated Christmas lights to illuminate the chest and an MP3 player and speakers inside so he'll have a voice. I'll try to remember to snap a couple of pictures of the event.
Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - He's Armed!

Just got sign-off to have Wall-E at the fair on Friday afternoon. I better boogie if he's going to be ready for show.

Just a small update, got both hands done.

Final paint on each of the pieces

Hand test fit

and another size comparison (big gloves indeed)

I got the wrists completed and the entire assemblies attached to Wall-E. I'll post pictures in the morning when I have good light to take for taking the shots.

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - He's Armed!

As promised, here's Wall-E with hands attached.







Some bad news... I've tried to stay away from using hot glue due to it's likelihood to fail over time, but, in some cases, it seems to be the best adhesive to use for certain parts (trust me, I've tried everything). Because we've had such a heat wave over the last week the hot glue failed on the eye trim. Looks like I'll need to re-engineer this piece today (as well as start working on the neck).

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - Give him a hand!

I have to admit, this just looks weird -like a decapitated chicken.



Most of yesterday's effort was spent on building the framework on the underside of the top to support the weight of the neck and head. The visible hinge point, while movie-accurate, is non-functional. The actual attachment to the body is on the underside and helps evenly distribute the weight.

Today I'll work on the neck swivel and the attachment point to the head, wish me luck -I'm at T-1 day until the school fair where Wall-E will be making his appearance.

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Re: 1:1 Wall-E Build (WIP - Pic Heavy) - Give him a hand!

THIS IS AWESOME! any plans to make it some what functional? radio controled? this looks like it was a fun project! kudo's to you my friend!
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