Question: Vials in "Jurassic Park" cryocan...?


Sr Member
Can anyone point me in the direction of either the name of these vials &/or the dimensions of them? :)

{I did search & came up empty...}

I'm ploddingly going about creating a 3d model of the guts o' the cryocan & wanna' make sure the openings for the vials are properly sized.

Thanks in advance for any help/assistance...
Re: Question: Vials in "Jurassic Park" cryocan...?

Preview o' my feeble 3d model... :)



- - - Updated - - -

Rylo is the man you seek drop him a pm i'm sure he'll help you out

Will do then. :)
No word back from Rylo yet. :(

Anyone else who can help me with a name for the vials/dimensions of em'...? :)

These are the droids you're looking for; screw cap microcentrifuge tubes.

The screw capped ones seem a bit like hens teeth to find, but if you only want some for the dimensions you could pick up some of the clicky cap ones and then just alter your model accordingly. The best I could find after a quick Google was this 1000 box load of them, which is a little spendy for most people's prop budget :D

No word back from Rylo yet. :(

Anyone else who can help me with a name for the vials/dimensions of em'...? :)

These are the droids you're looking for; screw cap microcentrifuge tubes.

The screw capped ones seem a bit like hens teeth to find, but if you only want some for the dimensions you could pick up some of the clicky cap ones and then just alter your model accordingly. The best I could find after a quick Google was this 1000 box load of them, which is a little spendy for most people's prop budget :D

Thank you very, very much, sir. {I hope sir is okay to assume from your user ID... :) }

I should be able to use that as a jumping off point to make the openings the proper size. :D MUCH appreciated!
Happy to help :D

might also help with dimensioning (looks like the O ring is blue too). Presumably a centrifuge has a standard hole size too, so if you could find the specs on one that should then fit all the vials out there.

And yes, sir is appropriate :lol

Thank you very, very much, sir. {I hope sir is okay to assume from your user ID... :) }

I should be able to use that as a jumping off point to make the openings the proper size. :D MUCH appreciated!
Happy to help :D

might also help with dimensioning (looks like the O ring is blue too). Presumably a centrifuge has a standard hole size too, so if you could find the specs on one that should then fit all the vials out there.

And yes, sir is appropriate :lol

Well, thank you a second time, sir. :) More good info/detail.
Allosaur, THANK YOU for spelling all the dino names correctly. I know it's arguably a story choice for the InGen folks in the movie to not even know how to spell things properly, but to me it has always looked like the set designer was just a bad speller.



Well, I've found out the following information:

The microcentrifuge tubes seem to be 0.41" in circumference around the middle, so I'm making the openings in the 3d model 0.43". :) Perhaps that will be of assistance to others, as well.
Nice work :)

What are you going to use the model for?

Well, if I'm being honest, I'm not very flush with cash these days, (I've nattered on about why round' the forums before so I won't go into the hows or whys), so I'm trying to get this thing as accurate as my feeble abilities can make it & will try to have it 3d printed in pieces - bit by bit - until I can assemble a model that is representative of the original prop. :)

I'm not really in this hobby to make money/sell stuff so I don't have any plans to sell it to anyone - sorry. :(

I'll be glad to share the model(s) when I'm done though, so others can make use of it, (I feel fairly certain I can get the main structure of the 'guts' of the prop modeled fairly quickly, but the spring loaded mechanism hasn't even begun to play a part in my modeling yet). That is if I finish the model(s) to my satisfaction. :D

{Considering the time I've put into the replica of Magnum's ring from 'Magnum P.I.', it is possible it will take me until 2020 to finish the thing... ;) }
For reference, here's the info I wound up using:
Bio Plas, Inc is the company the vials come from, that "RobertMuldoon" directed me to in an earlier post. {}

The vials which go along with matching the profiles of the cryocan ones seem to be these - in combination - vial & cap:
4202 Conical, 1.5ml, polypropylene, Natural
4215R Screw-Caps for Microcenterfuge Tubes with O-Ring, Polypropylene, Natural

They're not cheap, (a box o' the tubes is spendy). I did manage to get enough for at least one set of vials though, gratis.


Hope that info is of help to anyone else looking for information... :)
Did anyone here ever acquire any of the correct 1.5mL screw cap microcentrifuge tubes? I'm looking for a set of 10 in time for halloween... cutting it very close here. Otherwise i'll have to settle for incorrect ones from amazon since they're relatively cheap and can get here in two days...
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