Custom case for my M41-A Arrived!

Stuntman Mike

Active Member
Ordered a Pelican 1720 with custom interior for my hero M41-A. It turned out real nice. Enjoy:



Magnificent! Can we see a pic of the complete case with the lid closed? Thanks.
Absolutely brilliant! I would love to do something similar for my G&P/Tokyo Marui Pulse Rifle.
Where did you get the manual?
You case is Bad A$$. Pelican cases are top notch. Now you can throw it in the river and it wont get wet. :thumbsup
Had a stencil laser cut for the text on the outside of the case. It was cut from 1/32" Lexan. Just got done painting it on. The good thing about it is the more imperfections there are in the application, the more authentic it looks.

If anyone wants the file, I would be happy to provide it.


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