CosBlade Costumes


Active Member
Hi guys, new member here. I've been a long time fan of the RPF, and I've finally got around to signing up. I have done various costumes for personal wear, and have made the costumes for a YouTube series called "ASSIST ME!" over the last year.

I figure rather than saturate the place with multiple threads, I'll just add them all here in one place. Unfortunately, many of the ASSIST ME! costumes are meant to be worn only for the shoot (we tend to put them through lots of stunts, and we don't have much time to produce an episode, so they often fall apart soon after use) and thus we don't get many good photos of them.

I'll do the best I can with these:

Ghost Rider



Ghost Rider was one of the first costumes I built for the series. There wasn't much to it, we found a Halloween skull mask that worked well enough in a pinch, bought a nice leather jacket, some gloves and pair of pants, and some vinyl knee boots.

I couldn't find any spikes that were large enough, so I made the spikes using metal icing tips filled with hot glue, and drove a screw through the leather into each spike. It was tedious, but I was happy with the final result as they're big and mean looking.

My wife made his bracers out of sheet plastic and craft foam, and we used the same spikes on those. They just slip on over the sleeves of the jacket. We also added spikes around the cuffs of his boots. We set him up with a length of chain from Home Depot, but never had the time to make the handles.

The flames were added digitally, of course.

Vergil (Devil May Cry)



Vergil was a real pain in the neck. I drafted a custom sewing pattern for his coat, and made it out of charmeuse (it has that nice satin look, but that much lower price tag). I wish I had some shots showing the buttons, as they're beautiful by themselves. The trim was done with masking tape, painted gold (super time crunch, haha!) and I didn't have the time to do the silver embroidery on the chest. I think I had to make this full getup in two days, and at one point one of the coat sleeves tore so I had to rmove it and build a new one. The lining was a fiery blend or red and orange, which I though worked well given Vergil's demonic heritage.

The scarf was just a simple black fabric with some heavy looking texture that I liked. The vest was made out of vinyl, with vinyl plates cut and glued to the base. Since his vest shows no seams, I wanted to use a "no-sew" method on it. The pants were a different type of vinyl that had the perfect woven leather look. His gloves, boots, and sword were all bought.




Deadpool was made completely of cotton spandex (I wanted to have some texture on the fabric, plain spandex doesn't do it for me!) and the mask was made with two large eye holes. My face was covered in liquid latex to give it Deadpool's scarred look, and then painted matte black. I wore white eye contacts, and this way I was able to get all of Deadpool's emotion across like they do in the comics, without losing the look. The idea was inspired by his look in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.

I've gone through two different tactical gear setups in the show. The first was an original design, the second is based on his Udon design, and is still incomplete.

The shoes were bought at Target and were tan with black rubber soles, we painted them red to match the suit. The gloves were basic red spandex gloves with black leather Harbinger brand workout gloves worn over them.

Chris Redfield (Resident Evil 5)



For Chris, I made a custom shoulder harness and t-shirt based off his design in Resident Evil 5, and made his knife out of sheet plastic. His belt and gear were customized (usually no more than painting) tactical gear that was bought. His pants, knee pads and boots were unmodified, and his gloves were bought from an airsoft retailer and modified.

Taskmaster and M.O.D.O.K.




Taskmaster and M.O.D.O.K. were made for the latest episode of ASSIST ME! with Taskmaster being based on his Udon design. We took several liberties with him, as the costume needed to fit three different actors, and none of them were built like comic-book superheroes, so we didn't want to make it too form fit. We wound up designing a custom tactical vest that was still in-line with what the Udon costume looked like, and decided to use his classic skull mask, as it's, well, classic.

M.O.D.O.K. was made mostly out of EVA foam with craft foam and plastic details, a mini screwdriver and parts of an action figure. Obviously the actor just wears it on his head, and his body is blue-screened out.

That's about it for now! Got to get back to the craft table, as well as taking care of the pregnant wife. I'll try to get more pics of the costumes I do in the future so I have some more stuff to show in detail.
Awesome work! I'm a big fan of "ASSIST ME!", those videos have helped me not totally suck at MvC3! All of the costumes you've made look fantastic. I especially love the way you tackled Deadpool's mask. It's very unique, and it looks great! Did you make his katana holster as well?

All in all, you do amazing work. What's also impressive is that you put these costumes together in such a short amount of time. Looking forward to seeing more!
Thanks guys! I'm pretty happy with how Deadpool came out. It's a pain to go through the makeup, but worth it in my opinion.

For Deadpool's first harness (the black one) I bought a MOLLE harness on eBay and modified it a tad to hold the katanas and wrap around the chest without belt attachments. For the second harness (brown one) we made a totally custom one using craft foam wrapped in faux leather, and it stays together with snaps.

I'll be using the faux leather one as a template to make a real leather one soon.
I know this is a bit old, but I love Assist Me! I get to see my fav Marvel, and Capcom characters brought to life!

The way you guys made Deadpools eye patchs was so smart! I never even thought of that! It really lets the emotion/experssions show through great even with the mask on!
Same goes for M.O.D.O.K. and Ghost Rider. Just great problem solving to do great FX.
Love your work. Any suggestions for contacts? I am making a sub dye suit and I would like to try the mask like you have.


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Sorry I've been missing for awhile guys! My wife and I had our baby two months ago and so my time has been spread thin for a good reason, haha! Thanks for all the compliments! I'm able to take more time with costumes in the future, which is a much appreciated change of pace.

Love your work. Any suggestions for contacts? I am making a sub dye suit and I would like to try the mask like you have.


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Hi Keith! I would recommend Googling "white screen eye contacts". I really don't remember which shop I bought mine from, but that's how I found them. I think I paid between $20 - $30 for a pair, and they're advertised to last several months with proper care.

Good luck with your build!
Ah I see it now, you're Albert Wesker, thought you were going for Deacon Frost from Blade, you kinda resemble Stephen Dorff.
Ah I see it now, you're Albert Wesker, thought you were going for Deacon Frost from Blade, you kinda resemble Stephen Dorff.

That's the first time I've been compared to him, but I will take it as a compliment! :lol

Where did you get the sword holsters for Deadpool? Looks awesome!

As described, the black one was made from a MOLLE h-harness found online, and the brown one was custom built using craft foam covered in vinyl. I like the look of the brown one more, but I'd prefer it be real leather if I do it again.
Are you doing a run of them, or make a how to video? Your deadpool looks so awesome! ITs the best one I've seen

I really don't have the time to take commissions right now, but there wasn't much to my Deadpool costume. I traced a spandex shirt of mine to get the sizing down, drew the lines on the copy where I wanted the red pieces to end, and kind of just cut out the red, stitched it over a black spandex shirt, that kind of thing. Same idea for the pants.

The shoulder harnesses were a mixture of winging it and getting some help from a few people. The mask was probably the most complex part because of the seam lines I wanted.

If I can find the time to do a decent tutorial, I will!
It's the face that makes the deadpool, everyone uses a rubber mask or solid spandex for the black parts, looks to me like he painted his face black and got white contacts, looks great, cant get better facial detail than straight up face.

It's so simple, seems odd that more deadpools don't do it...

I would but I could never be a deadpool, gotta stick with barrel shaped badguys. lol
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