EU in Star Wars VII?


New Member
I know that the EU is officially non-cannon, but do you think they might have borrowed some of the more popular elements to use in the movie? I would love to see Talon Karrde or Admiral Thrawn.
There may be nods to the EU as far as locations, vehicles, etc., but no major characters. Thrawn was too high profile to put in a movie. If they want to reboot him, it would have to be in a book, comic, or game. He was in the TIE Fighter game, so it's possible they could wipe all post ROTJ stuff and start over.
Don't see it happening, opens up too big a box of worms.

Why is this guy in and this one isn't?
I thought they tossed the EU out? If he's here, then the rest must be too, etc....

It'd just make it way too confusing.
Well it's wishy washy. Absolutely none of the post ROTJ stories are canon now. They did say everything else (tech, characters, locations, etc.) is available for use in the future. I assumed that meant for everything SW, but it could have just meant the new EU. Now whether they use any of that stuff is anyone's guess.
I think the point was there is no "new EU" unless you mean "stuff that isn't the films." There's no longer a distinction between EU and the films for canon purposes, though. If they put it out, it's supposed to be official and binding on all future projects.
Concepts might show up, species even characters as one off mentions. I doubt anything from EU though would have a large role. You could have a Chiss for Thrawn walking around. Or a one off line like they did for Vos in EPIII.
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