How did you do your screw details on Iron Man helmet?


New Member
Getting close to putting some primer on this thing, still have several hours of final detailing. I am debating if I want to do the screw details or not and I have not seen any good guides on it. Anyone have any insight on how they did theirs?

This comes from more observation than actual implementation, but one way is to use an actual screw head. Just drill an appropriate sized and depth hole, cut off a screw head, glue in and voila!
I ended up going the 3D printed route, made my own. I am going to put up a little post about it here to help others along with the files to print their own.
In my build I am going for movie accurate and quality, so I wanted it to look at matching as possible. When you can't find something they way you want it online, time to engineer some!

I took this high res photo I found online of the helmet screw and created my own from it.

iron-man-2-movie-image-22_jpg__JPEG_Image__3000 × 2000_pixels_.jpg

Here is my 3D printed version in my helmet (still under construction)


If anyone is interested in using them, feel free! I have made the STL files available on Thingiverse.
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