Comic-style Dredd


Active Member
Well, it's been a while since I've built anything as I spend most of my time doing stuff with the 501st as a TK. But after a recent major health issue, I feel invigorated to get back to a project I meant to start many moons ago. So I'm looking to build a comic-style Judge Dredd. This won't be accurate to any specific look, but inspired by the comic and the Judge Minty interpretation. BTW, I have a lot of pepakura files that I collected years ago, some of which are no longer as easy to find. Shoot me a PM if you need one. My helmet will be based off of a paper pep file. But as for the armor, I'm doing a foam build.

For the left shoulder, I started with 5mm craft foam. I elected to use that instead of EVA foam due to its availability and size. Some of the EVA armor builds just look too bulky for me. When I found larger sheets of 5mm craft foam at Hobby Lobby, that's what I decided to start with. So here is the very beginning of my build. Lots more to follow:

Naturally, these are backwards because they were taken in the mirror rather than as a selfie. But you get the idea.
I ultimately decided that the first craft foam build was just a prototype. While I used a ruler and measured everything, I just wanted it a bit cleaner. Plus I went back to the Judge Minty pics a decided I wanted the final piece to be slightly narrower, and wanted the individual slats to be narrower as well.

So I took some more measurements and spent time crafting a template. I have no experience using computer drafting programs (even freeware ones like GIMP), so it took some trial and error. But I think it's ready to go.

At this point, I've also decided to switch to thicker EVA foam for the 2 under layers. Only the top pieces will be with the 5 mm craft foam.

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All of the horizontal craft foam pieces are now attached to the EVA foam base. Underlayer will be next after more curing time. Then shaping.

So, while I work the right shoulder details out in my head, I started a template for a buckle. A couple of inverted trapezoids, an oval or two and a shield on a word document. Plus a little free hand.


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The left armour is almost done and ready to be sealed. Just a little more shaping. The belt buckle is starting to take shape too.

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Trying to decide if cardstock is thick enough to give the relief for the final product, once sealed and painted. I only want subtle lines that will be accented by paint.

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For the shoulder piece, did you glue all the pieces together before shaping the curve?
I'm mainly talking about the two large grey pieces, as I would expect that much of a curve to cause problems when shaping if glued.

EDIT: for clarification I have done very little working with foam (just one skyrim helmet scratch build)
For the shoulder piece, did you glue all the pieces together before shaping the curve?
I'm mainly talking about the two large grey pieces, as I would expect that much of a curve to cause problems when shaping if glued.

EDIT: for clarification I have done very little working with foam (just one skyrim helmet scratch build)
This is my first real foam build too, and I had that same question all along: bend and glue or glue then bend. In the end, I glued the center of the 2 pieces in a section about an inch and a half think. Then I curved the pieces, marked off where I wanted them to line up, and glued another section. This way I was able to shape as I went. Then I stored it wedged between a table and chair to keep the shape overnight. Worked pretty well.

I think if I glued flat all at once and tried to bend it later, it would have been a problem.

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Both pieces sealed with a pva cocktail. Just about ready to move to the eagle. Maybe one more coat for the buckle.

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Starting the base layer of the right shoulder, which again will be inspired by the Judge Minty design.

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Not much to add, but I got the feathers mounted on the eagle armour and a shape cut for the body.

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Almost 1,000 views! Good to see a lot of Dredd fans. [emoji6]

Did some work on the eagle. I gave up on the football cutout and created one from scratch using foam. Here's the work so far. Almost ready to mount it.

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Holy crap, that is Amazing work dude .-)

- - - Updated - - -

Working on something similar, just have to see how it works out..... or not!
Here's an update on my eagle. Had to take a break for a week oor two.

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