Revisiting the Graflex slide switch/aux button - Help!

Super Serg

Well-Known Member
While disassembling a Romans Graflex, I busted the slide switch apart (pics below). FYI- this is a solid build, zero fault on the manufacturing side and more to do with my clumsiness.

I'm using a Solo's Hold blade holder, want to wire an aux button to the groove of the blade holder and turn the slide switch into a functioning button (pressing down on the slide switch would tap the newly wired micro tactile push button).

Who's been able to do this? I searched for info but couldn't find much. Are there threads or videos of this conversion out there?

Help me RPF, you're my only hope. And by only, I mean part of my only hope boards of resources that I frequent.



Thank you, Canister.
This is great! I wonder if he made a vid on this build (image looks familiar).

Also, I might be able to solder the pieces back together, though not entirely sure.

Thx again!
You could try gluing the outer housing to the Graflex, then carefully glue the "button" to the switch... It'd be kinda tricky, but I think that's what I did the first time around.

I've since torn down my ESB Graflex in order to rebuild it with upgraded parts. Sorry I can't be of much help.
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