Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War 3 Announced.

I hate RTS games for some inexplicable reason, but I love the cinematics like this. Been a while since I've felt drawn to 40k, nice to feel that again. Just wish Black Library would get it's act together and get quality novels churned out.

They're too busy doing anything to drag out the Horus Heresy and tell pretty much every story about it ASIDE from the actual main events themselves.

As for RTS games, I'm not a fan. I've played Dawn of War 1 and Dawn of War 2. I appreciate that DOW2 did away with most of the base building, but I still hate having to micromanage my troops and activate their abilities. I love the art and animation, though, and the fluff itself is great.

It makes it hard to walk away from these games, but I know that the gameplay itself just will always end up leaving me wishing the game was turn-based and/or a more faithful adaptation of the tabletop game.

For those more in that vein, I recommend:

- Space Marine (just for the single player 3rd person shooter stuff -- MP is deader than a Necron, but was a lot of fun when it was active)
- Armageddon (turn-based epic-scale game)
- the 40K games on offer at GOG.com (Chaos Gate, Final Liberation, Rites of War)
They're too busy doing anything to drag out the Horus Heresy and tell pretty much every story about it ASIDE from the actual main events themselves.

Indeed. The last really good novel I picked up in Heresy was probably Unremembered Empire - though I also enjoyed Scars. Predictably, both authors are fan favourites - Abnett and Wraight.

I'm halfway into Damnation of Pythos and arent even remotely engaged.

Absolutely desperate for the next Ghosts novel, I want Penitent so badly for the next in the Bequin trilogy. I'd kill for further adventures of Hyperion and the Grey Knights as well.
Indeed. The last really good novel I picked up in Heresy was probably Unremembered Empire - though I also enjoyed Scars. Predictably, both authors are fan favourites - Abnett and Wraight.

I'm halfway into Damnation of Pythos and arent even remotely engaged.

Absolutely desperate for the next Ghosts novel, I want Penitent so badly for the next in the Bequin trilogy. I'd kill for further adventures of Hyperion and the Grey Knights as well.

I read the first four, tried getting thru Fulgrim, got bored, and moved on. I mean, yeah, it's interesting to see each Primarch turn and why/how, but beyond that...who cares? Get to the STORY, man! It took them, like, 9 books to get past the Dropsite Massacre! At this rate, it'll be 2025 before Sanguinus bites it.

I actually liked the base building in DOW 1 and missed it in 2 :)

Eh, I've always found the base building stuff to be boring.

I'd rather have a point pool, buy my army, and then field it.

That's why I love Armageddon.
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