Hell cat costume - kitty of doooooom!

Grr! Always have so much trouble with the darn photos - reuploading them now because apparently the last post refuses to show them. Blargle.

Aww, far too kind, both of you! :D

I'm still working on the kitty, just taking a little break to finish up a jawa which is so close to done I can taste it. That and it's too hot to work with fur! Ridiculous Aussie summer weather D:
I finally scraped a few hours together to cover the tail. It's entirely handsewn, as machine sewing stuff like this tends to leave big chunky seams that leave ridges. This way it's ridge free and free to move on the armature. It swings really nicely when I walk and it's ready to be attached to the pants!

A bit more armour - tail guard.


Now to decide what to do next - should probably do the leatherwork, but I've been putting that off. Time to bit the bullet, I think!
So I've been working on this kitty on and off due to university commitments, and took a commission in the meantime to make cash/practice. Here's the result:


Kinda love it. Learned a lot too, especially about making awful wigs look less awful using cannibalised parts of other wigs. Heh.

Now that's done I can finally get back to my kitty!
I decided this kitty's going to have a bow and axe, so I'll be doing a quiver of fake arrows (just the tops in a foam plug) so it's safe for cons and a single prop arrow for photos and elsewhere. Cheap dowel, filed in a nock and arrowhead groove, popped in a piece of craftiflex and sculpted a "stone" texture on with epoxy clay. Very quick and easy way to make something pretty decent, I think!
Fletching coming soon.
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