Remote control door lock (The Amazing Spider-Man)


New Member
I can't find a still from the movie, but here's what it looked like in the prelude comic, pretty much how it looked in the movie anyways.


So let's say I've got a door lock like this:


How would I tweak that so it's a remote controlled door lock? I might not actually make this, but I thought it'd be a fun project if I got my hands on the required components and maybe for somebody that wanted to make this thing anyways. :lol

Thanks guys. :D
A very simple thing to make. Either using an automotive central lock motor solenoid. One signal is a pull signal then the opposite is the push signal for lock and unlock respectively. Or use a similar setup in the cheap electronic safes, when you enter your code the solenoid pulls out allowing the lock to be turned. It then springs back on a timer after a few seconds.

If you want it to look the same that will be the challenge. You would need a 12v battery or plugpack for a central lock motor while a safe lock uses 6v or so. A lot of basic 2 channel remotes use low volts too, you can get the remote setup pretty cheap and integrate them into whichever design you do.

If you want the minimalist look the whole setup could go inside the door with a wire running through and down to a power point discreetly, like a lot of electric door locks.

Very do-able if you have the know how......which I do.
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its a very cool idea but not to secure as a main lock. A nice swift kick and that door would swing open no problem.

want to impress the ladies get a mag lock with a keyfob most alarm systems offer it now and you can unlock your house outside with a remote. I am such a geek I installed a fake hal 9000 sensor outside and tell people its an eye sensor.

lol it looks cool shuush dont tell
Hey guys i plan to make a tut on youtube on how to do this but you will need the front of an RC car and a sliding door lock. so stay tuned Youtube:Xzion123
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