Me as Romulan (Star Trek 2009)


New Member
At the moment it's still a work in progress. I have the boots, pants, dark jacket (all from regular clothing instead of making from scratch). Once my facial hair fills out a little more in a few weeks, I'm going to shave my head completely bald. In the meantime, I have a stencil pad which I will use to make a Romulan tattoo design for my face (which I can then fill out using washable markers).

Actual costume used in film:

What I've come up with so far (the final version will have darker pants, perhaps black or dark brown jeans)

The tattoo design:
Loving it ! Maybe a dumb question, but did you make those boots yourself or are they a found item ?

I bought them from a company called Ayya Wear (the boots used in the film are actually AyyaWear Spiral Tabis), but unfortunately the company went backrupt earlier this year and is no more. My boots are now a member of an endangered species. I estimate no more than 10,000 have survived.

However, I think I found a replacement pair that could pass should anything happen to my current pair:

Romulan boots in movie:

My boots:

New style:
The boots are super legit!

The costume is definitely coming together! Looks great!

How do you plan on doing the tattooing? Have you tried using washable markers before? I feel like they might smudge...?

I do sith make up using black eyeliner and Ben Nye product (or eyeshadow, but the Ben Nye is theatrical makeup and works great). That might serve you better?
A stencil sounds awesome, though!
The boots are super legit!

The costume is definitely coming together! Looks great!

How do you plan on doing the tattooing? Have you tried using washable markers before? I feel like they might smudge...?

I do sith make up using black eyeliner and Ben Nye product (or eyeshadow, but the Ben Nye is theatrical makeup and works great). That might serve you better?
A stencil sounds awesome, though!

I'm still trying to come up with the tattoo. I've thought about using face paint but I'm more than certain that will smudge. My best thinking is markers because of the stencil and how easy it would be to apply. But yeah, still trying to figure it out.
Wouldn't the marker smudge even more than the paint?
Let me know if it works though, that's a really interesting idea!

This is super girly, but here's what worked for me last year at SDCC-

MAC eyekohl (they have waterproof eyeliner, and that's the best stuff- M·A·C Cosmetics | Powerpoint Eye Pencil) to draw it on and then MAC eyeshadow in carbon (M·A·C Cosmetics | Eye Shadow) and put that over the eyeliner to keep it on.

This is coming from a woman (maybe have a friend go get it for you or else brave going into a MAC store? Or buy online... haha), but this stuff really works.

I was at SDCC all day and although my cheeks smudged a little bit my forehead was fine and it worked out pretty well. And the main problem with the smudging was because I had red underneath the design, and it wasn't too bad. I also mixed in a little Ben Nye black.

Here's a pic of what I did- [the others on the photobucket are tests, the first one is actually from the con]

I'd buy some stuff and just start experimenting. But as someone who's tried a few things, I'd say the MAC stuff is pretty great. Random, but it works well.

Hope that helps a bit!
Your boots and the new style boots are chalk and cheese ! You are lucky to have found the old style, take care of them :thumbsup
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