Star Wars Room Build - UPDATED!


Sr Member

Well my friends here it goes . . .

I have been asked many times over the last couple years if my room was finished. The answer has always been a simply, "Not yet, but I will get back to it." I started the original Smugglers Room in 2011. It was a great journey and there were actually a few things I liked about it. But in all honesty it was a much larger project than I expected, and the quality of my tools, skills, and planning got the best of me. The room never materialized the way I had intended, and so in the end I became bored and frustrated with it. It has sat largely unfinished for years. Every now and then I would spend a little time on it, but often just more frustrated because of one thing or another.

So over the last year I have devoted some serious time to resourcing, sketching, and planning a new build. I wanted to fully realize the space before I dove in and started on it. The other aspect was not to put timelines on myself that I could not achieve. Though I don't want to spend another six years on a project and not be happy or done, I certainly do not intend to rush.

The purpose of this room had always been to display my various props and other collectibles, all residing in a totally geeked out space ship. So thats the plan.

I have to send an absolutely huge thank you to SofaKing, I can not tell you all how incredible of a guy he is. We have all enjoyed watching his Full Scale Falcon Project, but when I reached out to him for help he plunged in and helped with design elements, feedback, greeblies, and fellow prop builder support. Thanks so much my friend for helping me out . . . now get back to work!

Display Cabinet Concepts & Renderings

First off I wanted to share the concepts of the room. In the past I have taken from various Star Wars Themes, or design elements. My previous room gravitated heavily towards an Empire look, but what I really wanted all along was a YT-Freighter design. I just could not get my head around it, and each sketch I did was a mess. I mentioned that to SofaKing, and he sent this concept over to me. It is pretty much the drawing that started this whole mess!


This bit of artwork also lead to other concepts of the "Center Display" cabinet that I wanted in the room. I wanted a display that you could view from every side, and also added storage space. SofaKing sent over several, but these last two I really liked and is what ultimately lead to the final design.



I am not by any stretch an expert in Sketchup or any other 3D modeling software, but I know my way around enough that I was able to sketch out the center display cabinet and render it enough that I could create plans and build from them.


. . . and the rendering.


This center display cabinet is great, and it will function well, but I did need something further for the room. I needed something larger with more area to display, and as always additional storage. So continuing with the YT-Freighter theme, I came up with this design for the Main Display Cabinet . . .





Room Design & Full Concept

Once I was satisfied with these various pieces I moved on to the rest of the room. I wanted to fully render the space with actual size and dimensions. I needed to see the cabinets, walls, ceilings, everything. I wanted to get as close as I could to how it would finish as I could. I knew if I put it in Sketchup with good measurements I could make adjustments without the cost of rebuilding something that did not fit or work. Sounds obvious I know, but with this project the first time around it was a bit of a nightmare.

So here is the room as realized as I can make it . . .







Full Ship Concept

Now, I am a full blown geek. My wife says it, my friends say it, and I have admitted it. So as I concluded the concept design for the room I asked myself the obvious question. "If this room is in fact inside a ship, then where in the ship would it be? And more importantly what would this YT-Freighter look like?" So I had to do it. I had to design the ship that this room resides in. So here it is. The ship does not have a name yet, and I am certainly open to any suggestions you all might have. I hope you all get as much of a kick out of this as I have. I am thinking that when the room is finished I need to create a high-res picture with a "You are here" dot on the room for those enjoying a cold beer at the bar in this craft. I mean, you'd hate for someone to get lost after one too many blue milks right? LOL









and just for fun, a shot of the corridor outside The Smugglers Room . . . :lol


More coming soon . . .


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This is a really great idea and I admire your ambition. The designs look amazing. Definitely subscribing to this so I can follow your progress .... no matter how long it might take (and no, I won't nag to see when the project will be done. :D)

Just curious though, when will you put an addition on the house so you can build the cargo hold? :p
Brilliant work! The modeling is excellent. Love the ship design. What about "Scoundrel's Luck"? "Smuggler's Treasure"?
Re: The Smugglers Room - My Re-Imagined & Definitive Rebuild . . .

This is a really great idea and I admire your ambition. The designs look amazing. Definitely subscribing to this so I can follow your progress .... no matter how long it might take (and no, I won't nag to see when the project will be done. :D)

Just curious though, when will you put an addition on the house so you can build the cargo hold? :p

Thank you Wedge, the estimated dollars needed to build the cargo hold exceeded the value of my home by a couple bucks, so i will have to settle for just a small portion :unsure

blown away with this 3d skills... man i wish i had your talent!

Thank you very much. I have been tinkering for a good deal of time with Sketchup. But I am a complete noobie in that world. That being said, I can't take full credit, i did use the Sketchup 3D warehouse and did a fair amount of "3D kitbashing" for example, the speeder in the cargo hold was done by SteveStarkiller who is an amazing 3D artist. He also had done a 3D rendering for me many years ago, and I stole a few of those pieces he made me, like the greeblies on much of the rooms items. There are some other parts and pieces that I pulled from free models in the Sketchup Warehouse, I wish I had taken down all the original artist names so I could pass along credit.

One thing of note. The overall concept for the shape and exterior of the ship was pulled from the design below. I do not know the artist personally, but it was part of an ILM art challenge last year, and I fell in love with the design. The artist's name is Xavier Henry . . .


- - - Updated - - -

Brilliant work! The modeling is excellent. Love the ship design. What about "Scoundrel's Luck"? "Smuggler's Treasure"?

Thank you! I will put those on the list. I am seriously considering doing a name vote in a few months when I have a good list. I'll make a little plaque in the room with the "namers" name on it. LOL


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Just fantastic. An incredibly cool and ambitious concept. Can't wait to see your progress.
Hey Fuzz,

Thanks for the kind words. I love builds like this. This is where you get to stretch your imagination and have fun with it :)

I love the integration of the room with the freighter! Brilliant job! I am so excited to see you back at this. Welcome Back!
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Hey Fuzz,

Thanks for the kind words. I love builds like this. This is where you get stretch your imagination and have fun with it :)

I love the integration of the room with the freighter! Brilliant job! I am so excited to see you back at this. Welcome Back!

Thank you my friend. and thanks for all the help!
I love it! You should scratch build or 3dprint a model of the ship for display in there as well.

I can't wait to see this come to life.

How about "Scoundrel's Heart" for possible choice? Seems appropriate for a place to keep your favorite items.
I love it! You should scratch build or 3dprint a model of the ship for display in there as well.

I can't wait to see this come to life.

How about "Scoundrel's Heart" for possible choice? Seems appropriate for a place to keep your favorite items.

Thanks SB, a model of the ship would be fantastic! I would love to have that on display in the room. I love the name too, its great. I will put that on the list.
It will be a slide. My HVAC room is right behind that door, and there is a good deal of space to the left (if you are facing the door) for it to slide.

Excellent! Are you going to use a basic pocket door or build from scratch?
Excellent! Are you going to use a basic pocket door or build from scratch?

Likely from scratch I think. It will be less of a mess that I have to make with that wall, and a fair amount cheaper. I have a similar sliding door i built the first time around that lead into the laundry room in the back of the basement. It worked pretty well and has been working solid for 6 years LOL