Airbrush for Makeup


Well-Known Member

I have an Iwata Revolution CR Airbrush but have used it very little. Can someone with more experience advise on how well this particular airbrush works for makeup? What are some of the differences between general airbrushing and airbrushing for makeup? Any good resources on learning (aside from the general painting theory)?

I'm personally one of those non-makeup airbrushers who swears by Iwata
But all this makeup-specific stuff is still making my head hurt. It's like these companies are going out of their way to hide all the information that, well, I'd really like to know. Fittings, max PSI and airflow, a freakin' ingredients list... Sheesh. Everything is "Buy Blamco brand makeup to use in your Blamco brand brush with your Blamco brand compressor that attached with our proprietary Blamco brand hose! Otherwise, you just have to hope it all works and your warranty will be void! Have a great day!"

You brought up a couple "ifs" that made me realize I probably should have given more details of my situation, so aside from what I said above, let me add: I don't intend to do massive amounts of cosmetic work. While I'd like to get something that's going to last (and which comes from a company likely to last and continue to sell me parts) for many years on general principle; the fact is that I only intend to use it for special occasions a couple times a year, on 1-4 people, and cheap-but-replaceable might be just as good a strategy for that.

Also, whatever compressor I end up with, I intend it to be my *only* cosmetic compressor. If it's portable, that's a great bonus, but not make-or-break. I'm not buying one for home and one *just* to use as my touch-up machine. (Relatively) quiet and clean while still being at least decent at actually putting out air is my main concern. And of course, cost factors in - if I can get a good home version for 100 bucks, I'm not going to shell out 400 bucks for the added convenience of being able to follow my merry band around like I'm their mom, fixing all their little makeup boo-boos. Heck, it may turn out I hate airbrushing makeup, for all I know!

In regards to the Iwata compressors, while the Ninja looks a bit smaller (I'm having trouble finding actual dimensions right now) the weight difference is less than half a pound between the two of them. Neither one is *highly* portable, but fact I trust the brand name mostly makes up for it.

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