Rmapua23's 's 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Entry - Iron Patriot for my 5 yr old son


New Member
I've long been a member of RPF and this year I decided to actually create a costume for my 5 yr old son. I initially tried to follow all tutorials in this forum but due to time constraints I had to make shortcuts as I only have the weekends to work on the costume. Now for the costume, I decided to make the Iron Patriot as I find it very cool and would be awesome for my son to wear it during his trick or treat this year.

I started late July and worked on the helmet first. Given that this is the first time I'm working on resin, fiberglass and cardboard. I took me forever to create the helmet.

October came and I was nowhere near completing the costume. Since I'm doing this for my 5 yr old son, I had problems getting the correct ratio for the templates. I probably redid the upper torso 3 times and the shin 3x. About a week before halloween I finally finished the whole costume and started the painting process.


Finally, after many cans of spray paint (Metallic blue, metallic red, metallic silver). Finally finished the costume. Although not perfect. I definitely like it and felt proud to accomplish such a feat considering the time I spent doing it.


Here's my son during the trick or treat and costume contest where he won in his category! yey!

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Re: Rmapua23's 's 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Entry - Iron Patriot for my 5 yr old

This entry just needs a proof pic and a pic in the "new members" gallery to be complete. Good luck! :)
Re: Rmapua23's 's 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Entry - Iron Patriot for my 5 yr old

looks awesome, whats the exact color of that metallic blue? you have a paint code, brand or number of it?

lmao at the competition in the background.. your son pretty much stole the show with ease i would say.
luigi the elephant doesnt stand a chance.
Re: Rmapua23's 's 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Entry - Iron Patriot for my 5 yr old

looks awesome, whats the exact color of that metallic blue? you have a paint code, brand or number of it?

lmao at the competition in the background.. your son pretty much stole the show with ease i would say.
luigi the elephant doesnt stand a chance.

Yeah. My son always dominates this contest and won it 5 straight years. This is the second year I made a costume for him. Last year he won as Iron Man Mark 4.

Anyway, I used 2 coats of spray paint to achieve the blue color (Bosny Blue and Nikko ME5 Metallic Blue).

Here's additional pics. My 2 year old won as well in her category as Jessie from Toy Story with cameo from Bullseye. Lols.


After the contest, he got tired wearing his costume and slipped on to wear his favorite costume. Cap'n America First Avenger. I made the helmet and got the pattern from RPF too.

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