National Treasure 2 Olmec Plank


Well-Known Member
Among the many movies out there National Treasure is also one of the movies wich I love to watch as well.
So well The Olmec planks are one of the awesome props in the movie. I know Hotshot did a run of both the planks, but unfortunatelly he doesn't make them anymore and I missed out. So I thought hell Im ganna try to make my own. Now Im no sculpter nor a prop maker at all. Please dont mind the two color clay, But Im pretty proud in how it turned out.
Here is the work in progress. When I finish it Im going to attempt my first mold making and casting it.

This looks really good to start with, if they turn out really well, will you do a run of them.
If so Can I put my name down for one, I've seen Indys collection and I so want the Meerschaum pipe,
book of secrets, masonic medallion, Grail diary, crystal skull arghhh I want it all.
It is really deciding on what i can afford and what I can sneek past the wife.:D
As a big fan of the National Treasure movies I can't wait to see how the cast turns out, nice job so far ;)

Thanks :D im hoping to do the back and side sides upcoming weeks! Wil post new pics what I have them!

This looks really good to start with, if they turn out really well, will you do a run of them.
If so Can I put my name down for one, I've seen Indys collection and I so want the Meerschaum pipe,
book of secrets, masonic medallion, Grail diary, crystal skull arghhh I want it all.
It is really deciding on what i can afford and what I can sneek past the wife.:D

thanks. Yeah I will first have to try out a bit with mold making and casting since Ive never done it before but if all goes to planned I should be able to make a small lomited run.
The meerschaum pipe is also on my wish list haha! So many cool props so little money haha
Sides and bodem are done.
just ganna let it rest for now and give it another shot to perfect some imperfection, and then its time to harder the clay and start making a mold.

my plan is to do the same as Hotshot did with his plank. The details of the plank in hard resin, and the filling of some foam like to keep cost low and the plank not to heavy.
Ive never molded or casted before so its going to be exciting. If anyone has any tips, suggestion or ideas feel free to pm me.
Small update, but wanted to show this. Its pretty cool. The slow drying of the clay give its a really awesome effect. Not that this will be show kn the casted ones. But it does give a little small idea on now they would turn out.
Thanks Badges2nz
havent had the time or money to be able to cast the first plank or finish the second one. Hoping to start soon again.
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