Problem with lenses fogging up? Try this in your face shell.


Active Member
I, like many others, have been having some issues with the lens material fogging up because of the heat and moisture build up when my face shell is on. I've tried different anti-fogging solutions and they work to some extent, but I couldn't help but think there was another way to cut down on it. I've been trying out gluing foam in different orientations to try and make the mask more comfortable, as well as cut down on the fogging and I think I found a solution. With the foam glued to the inside of the face shell like in the picture below, it helps prevent the heat and moisture from your breath from moving up the towards the lenses. The fogging is considerably reduced. If someone else has already posted a solution like this, I apologize for make a "repost". Just thought the info may be helpful to some. mask.JPG


  • mask.JPG
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